1. You can never ever have the best of se'x
outside of marriage.
2. Only se'x with your husband or wife is a
se'xual intercourse without shame and regret
3.There is always a spiritual force which pulls
you to your se'xual partners if you keep in touch
with them after marriage
4.The memories of all your se'xual escapade has
a way of resurfacing when you are having s'ex
with ...your spouse
5. You have a 95% tendency of comparing your
spouse's libido with your Ex's
6. You can have a countless numbers of people
you have had se'x with before marriage if you
don't stop NOW

7. The moment you are jilted/ heartbroken, you
wish you have never had se'x with the person
8. Men only have Raw, Wild and Rough se'x with
ladies who worth nothing to them, no
responsible married man will treat his wife so.
Real men make love with their wives
9. If he doesn't love you se'x can never win his
heart for you: he can always get sex anywhere
10. If he threatens to quit the relationship
because you want to remain pure then he want
nothing more from you than SE'X SE'X SE'X
11. Abstinence doesn't kill, if it does I won't be
here posting these messages.
12. You are in a bondage and need deliverance
if he says he's leaving you and you are using se'x
to keep him staying
13. If a lady begs/seduces you for se'x, you are
dining with Pharaoh's wife or Delilah. Your
matrimonial bed is not safe. Don't marry her.
14. God created s'ex and He wants you to enjoy
it for life.
15. Very soon in your marriage, there will be
nights when you will turn your back at your
husband/wife and say "Honey please leave me,
allow me to sleep'' I am not in the mood
tonight'' You will get tired! hmmm.
16. You can never ever enjoy se'x with nylon or
baloon call condom neither can you enjoy unsafe s'ex
without fears.
17. Condom cannot protect you from curses and
soul tie.
18. You become ONE FLESH, ONE SPIRIT with who
you have sex with.Se'x is a bond that ties a man and
woman for life. God planned it so.
19. Stop se'x for a season and see if he will still stay
with you and love you MORE LIKE NEVER BEFORE.
I doubt it.
20. Sad enough, some men wish for a vir'gin
(fresh blood) when they are set to get a wifey damn
you be one too!
True or False
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