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Showing posts with label Bizzare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bizzare. Show all posts
EXPOSING Amorous teacher conned by her Facebook lover called Mozilla
a story is told of a female teacher from Migori who was conned by a man she met online here on Facebook. The man, whose online name was Mozilla Firefox, invited the teacher to Nakuru for their first meeting. When she got there, Mr. Firefox took her for a meal at a local hotelin Nakuru, and thereafter, fearing to disclose his real identity, convinced her to book a room at the hotel in her name; with a fake story that he did not want to be known, reason being that he was."from around". The lady obliged, and they proceeded to spend the night.
Morning came, Mr Firefox was first to take a shower. When the teacher's shower turn was underway, he took the chance to go through her handbag, took her phone and sh10,000 and fled.When she came out of the bathroom and found Firefox missing, she dashed to the hotel reception to inquire if they had seen him, to which they said he had passed there earlier and said he was going to sun bask. She immediately screamed at the receptionists telling them she'd been conned, and her mention of the man's name, Mozilla Firefox, left the hotel staff in stitches.
Ladies, if you use Facebook for dating purposes, don't be duped by those who use fake names. Ensure you establish the man's true name. Also watch out for such smooth operators as the one in the above story!
A married primary school female teacher from Migori County recently had an unhappy ending when her secret facebook lover — masquerading as Mozilla Firefox, she had been fooling with online coned her on their maiden meeting in Nakuru town.
After regaling her with honey-coated sweet nothings on the social network, she obliged to his invitation in Nakuru, where she met her waterloo. The amorous teacher, eager to meet her mpango wa kando (secret lover), lied to her husband that she had been invited to Nakuru for a two-day seminar by a womens’ group she subscribes.
At around 10 am, she took a shuttle, and after five hours she got to Nakuru where Firefox warmly received her.
After exchanging a few pleasantries, Mozilla took her in a hotel where he treated her as they reacquainted with one another — all giggly. To avoid blowing up his cover, he tricked her by requesting her to book the hotel room — using her identity number, because if he was to do so, there was a probability of the receptionist knowing him since he is from around. The night went on well, but come morning is when things went haywire. Firefox woke up and took a shower and when it was the teacher’s turn, he thoroughly ransacks her handbag. He took Sh10,000 and her mobile phone.
When the teacher came out from the bathroom he found his ‘lover’ missing. The panicking teacher hurriedly dressed and made a beeline for the reception to enquire if they had seen his companion. The receptionist told her that she had seen him a few minutes a while and he only mentioned, in passing, that he is stepping out to sun himself.
Immediately, she began wailing at the reception, claiming to have been conned. Upon management attempting to intervene, they learnt that she didn’t know the man. That he was a mere Facebook friend, really shocked the hotel management. The mere mention of his name — Mozilla Firefox, got the management in stitches. To make matters worse, he had no other incriminating evidence against Firefox save for his phone number which was in the phone he had made away with, anyway. Fearing that the story may spread and reach many people, the teacher ignored advice to report the incident to Police. Instead, she chose to call her three friends back in Migori town and lied to them about her ordeal — that she had been a victim of a smooth pickpocket in the matatu she was travelling in.
Out of sympathy, her friends send her Sh1,500 which she used as bus fare back home. The truth of the story came out recently when the Teacher, while drunk in a pub in Migori town, revealed to friends what exactly happened to her who promised to try help her track the thief. Unfortunately, all the efforts were in vain since the phone was switched off. A friend whom the teacher told her hubby wasn;t satisfying thus tempting her to try her luck elsewhere, and requested her not to tell anyone this tale, talked to this writer.
Gor Mahia football team, popularly known as K’ogalo, has a fanatic following
throughout the country. Infact, some people confuse the team to a cult, and
blame magic for their sterling perfomance. During the team’s football matches,
there are always beautiful ladies who
accompany the players to every corner of this country.
The ladies act as a cheering squad and they are always
dressed to kill. During Gor ‘s matches,
they paint the stadium green and most of them are good show stoppers. But one lady
fan called, Nyathi Mayon, has come to out to reveal what they do to win
matches. According to her, they never wear panties because they believe that
lack of panties gives their players some magical powers.
She further says that, once they attend a match without
panties, they definitely drain away powers from the opponents, and that’s why
Gor has been winning almost all their matches this season.
Nyathi Mayon further claims that, every lady who forms Gor
Mahia’s cheering squad, must attend all matches pantless, as a way of giving
their players special powers. They are even inspected by Gor’s coach before
matches, to make sure they are all pantless.
Do you believe this?


Dead man 'resurrected' after waking up in the middle of his own funeral

Mourners at a funeral in Zimbabwe were stunned when the dead man woke up as they filed by his coffin, state media reported today.
Brighton Dama Zanthe, 34, was being laid to rest inside a coffin last Monday after he apparently died at his home following a long illness.
The transport worker's grieving family covered his body with blankets and made arrangements to transfer him to a local mortuary, according to a report in the Herald newspaper.
But the next day Mr Zanthe's friends and relatives scattered in disbelief when he started moving as they filed past to say their emotional goodbyes.

'Resurrected': The 'deceased' was being laid to rest in a coffin after apparently dying from a long illness when he woke up in the middle of his own funeral (stock image)
The dead man's boss Lot Gaka told the Herald of the moment he realised his employee was still alive.
He said: 'I was the first to notice Zanthe's moving legs as I was in the queue to view his body. This shocked me.
The man who took on the poker professionals . . . and lost: Hedge fund tycoon blows £850,000 in Monte Carlo
The ultimate downsizers: Couple give up their home to live the simple life in tiny $19,000 retirement house on wheels
The man with 9 lives: 25-year-old survives a broken neck, four heart attacks, bouts of MRSA and pneumonia - and then cancer
'At first I could not believe my eyes but later realised that there was indeed some movements on the body as other mourners retreated in disbelief.'
Mr Gaka, who runs a bus company in the midlands city of Gweru, told the newspaper Mr Zanthe had been persistently unwell before his 'death' last week.
He told how he visited the family's home to offer support when his employee's wife called to say he had passed away.
He said: 'Zanthe had been on sick leave for some time and everyone at work was aware that he was critical.

On the mend: The man from Gweru, Zimbabwe, pictured, was rushed to Gweru Provincial Hospital where he was kept on life support for two days before being allowed to go home
'We would visit him at his home.
'I was not surprised when I received a call from Zanthe's wife on Monday night last week saying that her husband had died.'
He added: 'I visited two local funeral parlours for quotations before I drove to Zanthe's house so that we could take the body to the mortuary.
'Zanthe's body had already been put in a coffin and people were preparing to conduct a body viewing procession so that his body could be taken to a mortuary.
'It was during the body viewing procession that he "resurrected".'
Another witness told the state-controlled newspaper how the family desperately pulled blankets off Mr Zanthe's body to try to revive him after realising he was still alive.
He said: 'Gaka later removed some blankets from Zanthe's body after we noticed some movements and this was when we all realised that there was still life.
'We then called an ambulance which came within seven minutes.
'It's really a miracle and most people are still in disbelief.'
The Herald, which is owned by Zimbabwe's government, reported that Mr Zanthe spent two days on life support after being rushed to the Gweru Provincial Hospital following the incident.
He was discharged last week and has since returned home.
The shaken family man told the newspaper he had only a hazy recollection of the event.
He said: 'This issue can be best told by people who came to my house to attend my funeral.
'I don't know what happened and I only remember being on a life support system in hospital.'
He added: 'Everything is history to me.
'What I can only confirm is that people gathered at my house to mourn but I was given another chance and I am alive. I feel okay now.'
via dailymail
A CURSE OR BLESSING?? "My Life is in Danger" the guy behind Ngina kenyatta's pregnancy!!

If you are in the dark, it has been all
over news that Ngina Kenyatta is
pregnant. All efforts have been put
forward to kill the rumor because it is "
Bringing shame to Kenyatta's family " The
truth is that Ngina Kenyatta is heavily
pregnant and the guy responsible for the
Pregnancy is a GSU officer called Onyango
attached to state house.
over news that Ngina Kenyatta is
pregnant. All efforts have been put
forward to kill the rumor because it is "
Bringing shame to Kenyatta's family " The
truth is that Ngina Kenyatta is heavily
pregnant and the guy responsible for the
Pregnancy is a GSU officer called Onyango
attached to state house.
Onyango has already been fired and he
has gone into hiding in Uganda after
successfully crossing the border.
According to his friend Stephen Omollo,
Onyango decided to go into hiding after a
friend of him tipped him that there were
plans to kill him. The Kenyatta family held
a meeting to condemn that because many
Kikuyu elders have condemned to
pregnancy because it is from the " Wrong
Tribe " . There is a lot of tension and
another traditional meeting has been
convened to discuss the issue and see the
way forward.
has gone into hiding in Uganda after
successfully crossing the border.
According to his friend Stephen Omollo,
Onyango decided to go into hiding after a
friend of him tipped him that there were
plans to kill him. The Kenyatta family held
a meeting to condemn that because many
Kikuyu elders have condemned to
pregnancy because it is from the " Wrong
Tribe " . There is a lot of tension and
another traditional meeting has been
convened to discuss the issue and see the
way forward.
REVEALED!!! 8 facts about Prophet Owour you didn't know

Truth about Dr. Prophet Owuor»
1. He stage-manages his alleged miracles through the power of Satan.
2. His teachings are infact post-christian. Meaning, he exalts himself above God Himself, thus creating a religion different from Christianity, where he is the god.
3. No true prophet had ever amassed wealth the way he does. Moreover, no true prophet engages in power-fights the way does with other men and women of God like bishop Wanjiru.
4. He is used by Illuminati to prophecy the works of Illuminati. He infact has a symbol of illuminati in his website
1. He stage-manages his alleged miracles through the power of Satan.
2. His teachings are infact post-christian. Meaning, he exalts himself above God Himself, thus creating a religion different from Christianity, where he is the god.
3. No true prophet had ever amassed wealth the way he does. Moreover, no true prophet engages in power-fights the way does with other men and women of God like bishop Wanjiru.
4. He is used by Illuminati to prophecy the works of Illuminati. He infact has a symbol of illuminati in his website
5. His allegation that Raila had converted to christianity was just an attempt to gain Raila more followers.
6. In most of his crusades, at least 2 people die.
7. He refused to bury his father upon his death in 2005, because he had sacrificed him.
8. True prophets prophecy the negative and positive things, since God always shows compassion to people. Owuor is a prophet of doom since he only prophecies negative things that dont have compassions of God
6. In most of his crusades, at least 2 people die.
7. He refused to bury his father upon his death in 2005, because he had sacrificed him.
8. True prophets prophecy the negative and positive things, since God always shows compassion to people. Owuor is a prophet of doom since he only prophecies negative things that dont have compassions of God
TOP 5 heaviest people in the world.
Paul Mason.
Paul Mason, a 50-year-old man from England was once considered the world's fattest man at 980 lbs. but he recently underwent gastric bypass surgery and already is down to 560 lbs. He says his 20,000 calorie-a- day diet is what attributed to his extreme size, but he also blames Britain's national health service for not allowing him to see an eating disorder specialist when he was just over 400 lbs.
Donna Simpson.
Donna Simpson (born 1967) is an American woman who, in 2008, expressed a desire to become one of the world's heaviest women. She wished to attain a target weight of 1,000 pounds (450 kg). As of June 2010, Simpson weighed 602 pounds (273 kg), down from her weight of 630 pounds (290 kg) in 2008.
During the process, Simpson maintained a website where fans paid to watch her eat. In 2010, she won the Guinness World Records for the "Heaviest woman to give birth." In August 2011, Simpson decided to go on a diet to reduce her weight to a target of 370 pounds (170 kg) in order to become more self-sufficient and be able to do a better job of raising her children.
Mayra Rosales.
"Mayra Rosales Child Murder - 1,000-lb woman is 'too big to kill' "
A Texas court has ruled that Mayra Rosales, who weighs about 1,036 pounds, weighs too much, and that it would have been impossible for her to lift her arm in order to kill her 2-year-old nephew, whom she was accused of murdering in 2008.
Kenneth Brumley.
Kenneth Brumley was one of the heaviest people ever recorded, whose weight was confirmed. He was featured on the channel 4 BodyShock documentary "Half Ton Dad," as a father of four, who weighed almost 74 stone (468 kg or 1,035 pounds).
According to Kenneth Brumley's statements in the documentary, he had been bed-bound for four years. After he was accepted as a gastric bypass patient at the Renaissance Hospital in Houston, Texas, a fire crew had to hammer down a wall in Brumley's house to get him out.
At Renaissance Hospital, Brumley was treated by the team of specialists that treated Renee Williams, believed to have been the world's heaviest woman at the time. The first step in Brumley's treatment was a diet restricted to 1200 calories per day, which enabled him to lose 167.5 pounds (76 kg) in only 40 days.
Terri Smith.
A woman believed to be the world's fattest at 50 stone (700 lbs.) is facing a battle to shed weight after being told by doctors she could die.
Terri Smith is confined to her bedroom in her Ohio home, unable to move, stand, or roll over by herself, setting the new world record for the Fattest woman in 2010. She relies on her husband Myron, 44, and oldest daughter Najah, 30, to do everything for her.
By the age of 20, Terri weighed 18 stone (252 lbs.) but she remained active and held a job as a mental health care worker for 20 years. "I used to help people wash, feed and dress themselves," she said.
To undergo a brain scan and receive the life-saving treatment she may require, Terri is now embarking on a weight loss regimen of exercise and healthy eating.
Baby is cleared of Murder charges in Pakistan

Nine-month-old Musa Khan yawns while being carried by his grandfather as they leave court Saturday in Lahore, Pakistan. The court has withdrawn charges of attempted murder against the toddler, the latest development in a case that provoked widespread ridicule.
He was charged along with his family last week after a mob protesting gas cuts and price increases stoned police and gas company workers trying to collect overdue bills. He was apparently charged because an assistant sub-inspector complained in a crime report that the baby’s whole family had beaten him up and injured his head.

via nbcmiami

A 78-year-old man was discovered alive and kicking inside a body bag hours after he was pronounced dead.
Walter Williams was deemed dead the evening of Wednesday, Feb. 26, and taken to a Lexington, Miss., funeral home to be embalmed.
Hours later, workers at Porter and Sons Funeral Home noticed something kicking inside his body bag.
"I asked the coroner what happened, and the only thing he could say is that it's a miracle," Holmes County Sheriff Willie March told WAPT News in Jackson.
Paramedics took Williams to a hospital, where he is now alive and stabilized.
The coroner who checked Williams, Dexter Howard, said that Williams’ pacemaker may have restarted the the hospice patient's heart.
In an interview with WAPT, Williams' nephew Eddie Hester said, "I don't know how long he's going to be here, but I know he's back right now. That's all that matters."
Student Punished for Asking Miss America to Prom
via nbc news
YORK, Pa. — A Pennsylvania high school student is in hot water for asking Miss America to prom during a question and answer session at school.
Eighteen-year-old Patrick Farves said he received three days of in-school suspension Thursday because he asked Nina Davuluri to prom.
The senior at Central York High School stood up and popped the prom question, then walked to the stage with a plastic flower. Davuluri just laughed and the students cheered.
School officials heard about Farves' plan in advance and warned him not to do it. He has apologized for disrupting the event.
The school said students are disciplined for breaking rules and this incident was no different.
Davuluri was at the school to talk with students about diversity and the importance of science, technology, engineering and math studies.
Teen's Facebook Post Costs Father $80,000--

A Florida teenager's Facebook post has cost her father an $80,000 legal settlement.
The Palm Beach Post reported Sunday the father had sued a Miami-area preparatory school for age discrimination after he lost his job as headmaster.
Dana Snay's father, Patrick Snay, had settled an age discrimination case with his former employer, Gulliver Preparatory School.
The school agreed to settle the case for $80,000 and the settlement agreement included a stipulation that the man and his wife not disclose details of the settlement with anyone.
The daughter posted on Facebook that the money would pay for family vacation to Europe.
"Mama and Papa Snay won the case against Gulliver. Gulliver is now officially paying for my vacation to Europe this summer. SUCK IT," she posted.
See how this man got 29 Inch Biceps-OOPS

But their immense size comes with risks, as the 43-year-old from Olinda, Brazil, injects them with a combination of oil and alcohol – that can cause infections, amputations or even DEATH.
Arlindo, who is also known as The Mountain, claims that he can get the beefcake look without having to work for it, and admits that he became addicted to getting them as big as possible.
He revealed: “You inject it and it swells you up without having to work out.
“Each time I took it I wanted more and more.
“For me there wasn’t a limit.”

The injections weren’t the only unnatural method Arlindo used – he had already been taking steroids, hormones and even HORSE VITAMINS to bulk up his body.
But a pal at the gym offered him the new cocktail to get the upper hand on his muscley rivals, and he went on to inject himself three times a week for two months to get his Hulk-like figure.
He said: “The guy gave it to me. He said, ‘take this, it will make you grow in days’.
“I loaded the syringe, put it in my arm, injected it and it swelled me up right there and then.
“To tell you the truth, I didn’t feel a thing.

“There was sometimes a bit of dizziness but nothing apart from that.
“I was working out the same so my strength stayed the same – nothing changed.”
Explaining the risks, Arlindo said that his friend Paulinho has already died using the controversial treatment.
He added: “Most people who take it do not know how to apply it. They will use just any old blood vessel.
“Some will end up losing an arm, another needs an operation, some may even lose their lives.
“My friend Paulinho, he passed away from doing these things.
“I felt his death a lot. He took it, I took it, but he went beyond the limit.
“I advise no-one to take this oil.”

Single Arlindo has now stopped the treatment, but admitted that there is always the temptation to start again.
He also said that the oil he injected may have contained mineral oil that is similar to baby oil, combined with alcohol and anaesthetic – and is easily available to buy.
He added: “To get a body like mine, it is very difficult if you are not taking anything. Some people take it but won’t admit it.
“Have you ever seen a guy as big as me claiming it is natural? He is lying, I tell you. At least I tell the truth.
“It stopped for a bit because it was becoming too visible.
“But they are still using it, only they are using it undercover.”
Check Out This Job Application Letter…Lol
Especially nowadays, finding a good job can be nearly impossible. There's a constant struggle between how you present yourself to any given company and what they offer you in return. You have to make sure your resumé is flawless, with a cover letter to match no less. Some people, however, often take a slightly different approach to constructing their cover letters. Here, we've complied the funniest cover letters to ever hit the Internet. And athough these are indeed ridiculous, they may, in fact, be crazy enough to land you that dream job

Hehhehe would you hire such a candidate ?? wololo

Hehhehe would you hire such a candidate ?? wololo

Zimbabwe is seeing a number of rape cases, only this time around, men are the victims.
‘Al Bayan’ reported a latest case wherein a man accused three women of drugging, robbing and raping him in the southern city of Bulawayo.
Police say this is the fifth sexual attack against males in less than a year.
The 26-year-old man was allegedly offered a lift by the three women. No sooner did he get in than they sedated him using a some chemical on a cloth and covering his mouth. When he woke up, he allegedly found himself naked and the women took turns raping him.
They made away with about €200 and his cell phone, a police spokesperson was quoted as saying.
Last February, four women forced a 25-year-old man to ‘entertain’ them at gun point.
In a separate incident, a 30-year-old was also drugged and sexually assaulted by three women. Two of the women had guns.
In September, a 44-year-old man was forced to ‘entertain’ two women while a man stood guard.
There is currently no law in Zimbabwe against rape by a woman
SHOCK! Animal gives birth to a human(PHOTOS+VIDEO)
The city's population of Umbaúba, Brazil was impressed and shocked: the birth of offspring of a dog with human looks. Of the five puppies born, one that was born dead, had human hands and feet, besides the male genital organ

" According to the veterinarian John Farias, this is probably a genetic anomaly. "It is a disorder of chromosome at the time of formation of the fetus, which call Neoformacao Genetics, nothing more than that. There is the possibility that fetus has been generated from a sexual relationship of a man with a dog, because his sperm is totally different from the animal. The only chromosome that is similar to that of humans is the primate, anyway, it is impossible to fertilization, "he explained." Well, I dont doubt that things like this could happen because so many people have sex with dogs though. If that was true pity the dogs, being raped but cudn't do a thing to defend themselves...
CRAZY :- Mother marries her own son, Already have Sons child!

Mbereko, 40, has been a widow for the past
12 years and has been living with her 23-
years-old son Farai Mbereko.
She confirms that she is six month pregnant
and that she has decided it is better to
“marry” her son because she does not want
to marry her late husband’s young brothers,
whom she says are coveting her.
Betty stunned a village court last week when
she said the affair with her son had begun
three years earlier.
She said after spending a lot of money
sending Farai to school following the death of
her husband, she felt she had a right to his
money and no other woman was entitled to
“Look, I strove alone to send my son to
school and no one helped me. Now you see
that my son is working and you accuse me of
doing something wrong.
“Let me enjoy the products of my sweat,” she
told the village court council.
Farai said he was more than prepared to
marry his mother and would pay off the
ilobola balance his father had left unpaid to
his grandparents.
“I know my father died before he finished
paying the bride price and I am prepared to
pay it off,” he said. “It is better to publicise
what is happening because people should
know that I am the one who made my
mother pregnant.
Otherwise they will accuse her of
promiscuity.” But local headman Nathan
Muputirwa says: “We cannot allow this to
happen in our village, mashura chaiwo aya,
(This is a bad omen indeed). In the past they
would have to be killed but today we cannot
do it because we are afraid of the police.”
He warned them to immediately break off
their marriage or leave his village. They chose
the latter and have since left the village for
an undisclosed destination.
My Husband Is Sleeping With My Mother, what should i do?
My mother is an attractive, interesting woman who dresses fashionably. Recently, I found out that my 39-year-old husband has been having se’x with her when he attends conferences at the resort near where she lives. When he told me, I was bothered by the fact that it didn’t bother me.

He’s a wonderful man—father to our two children and a good provider—and he’s always taken care of me emotionally, se’xually, and financially. I know I should be upset; I know I should feel betrayed on so many levels. But I just don’t. He says he enjoys the relationship with her but will stop if it’s what I want.
Honestly, if my mother and husband are happy in their affair, I just can’t seem to find the energy to be angry or jealous. So my question is: Is this normal? Should I be upset?
Pictured: Meet the women who wear rings around their necks as a sign of beauty... oops
These remarkable pictures show the ‘giraffe women’ of eastern Burma.
These Kayan women, from Kayah state, wear brass coils around their necks to give the impression that their necks are stretched.
Having a long neck is often seen as beautiful in Kayan culture.

The Kayan women of eastern Burma wear brass rings around their necks to make them appear longer

They can start wearing the rings from the age of five and tend to add more rings as they get older
While the neck rings make the women’s necks appear long, in reality, the weight of the coils pushes down the muscles around the collarbone and compresses the rib cage - meaning their necks appear longer than they are.
The women – who can start wearing the rings from the age of five - have a long piece of brass wound in a spiral around their necks.
The metal is wound manually by the women and, as brass is tough, this process can take many hours.
A full set of the neck rings can weigh as much as 10 kilos - but few of the women now wear a full set.
Most women gradually increase the number of coils on their rings to steadily increase the apparent length of their necks.
Despite the weight of the rings, the women wearing them experience little restriction to their movement.

The rings do not actually stretch the women's necks - the weight pushes down their collarbones and compresses their rib cages making their necks appear longer

The women can remove the rings but they tend not to as it can be uncomfortable and the skin underneath tends to be discoloured
And, as the coiling and uncoiling process takes so long, the women rarely remove the rings – they usually only do so to replace them with a longer version.
The coils can be safely removed even though the muscles underneath are weakened.
However, many women prefer not to have them removed as their necks and collarbones are left bruised and discoloured underneath and they suffer discomfort when they are removed.
Additionally, when they have been wearing the rings for a long time, many of the women say they feel they have become an integral part of their bodies and they feel 'naked' without them.

The rings are made of long pieces of brass that are wrapped around the neck to form coils

Many of the women say that if they remove the rings they feel naked and vulnerable

It is not known why the women started wearing the rings but there are many theories
After a few days of not wearing the rings, the discomfort fades, but the discolouration tends to remain.
It is not clear exactly how the tradition of wearing the neck rings came about.
There are theories that women wore them to protect against tiger bites or that they were worn to make them look more like the dragons of local legends.
Other people believe they started wearing them to make themselves less attractive to other tribes so they were less likely to be taken into slavery.

Some people believe women originally wore the rings to protect themselves from tiger bites - other people think they were designed to make them unattractive so they were less likely to be taken into slavery

Now, most of the women wear the rings because they are seen as beautiful and to preserve the tradition

Some women wear the rings because they attract tourists and tourists bring vital revenue to the community
However, when asked, most of the women will now say they wear them to preserve their cultural identities.
Kayan women are usually now given a choice as to whether or not they want to wear the neck rings.
Most of those who still do, do so because they see them as beautiful or because they want to preserve the tradition.
It is also likely that some wear them because they attract tourists who bring vital revenue to the community.

The rings are wound around the women's necks and this can take several hours as the brass is very tough

Surprisingly, the rings do not significantly restrict the women's movement

A full set of the neck rings can weigh up to 10 kilos but few women wear these any longer
EXPOSING Amorous teacher conned by her Facebook lover called Mozilla
a story is told of a female teacher from Migori who was conned by a man she met online here on Facebook. The man, whose online name was Mozilla Firefox, invited the teacher to Nakuru for their first meeting. When she got there, Mr. Firefox took her for a meal at a local hotelin Nakuru, and thereafter, fearing to disclose his real identity, convinced her to book a room at the hotel in her name; with a fake story that he did not want to be known, reason being that he was."from around". The lady obliged, and they proceeded to spend the night.
Morning came, Mr Firefox was first to take a shower. When the teacher's shower turn was underway, he took the chance to go through her handbag, took her phone and sh10,000 and fled.When she came out of the bathroom and found Firefox missing, she dashed to the hotel reception to inquire if they had seen him, to which they said he had passed there earlier and said he was going to sun bask. She immediately screamed at the receptionists telling them she'd been conned, and her mention of the man's name, Mozilla Firefox, left the hotel staff in stitches.
Ladies, if you use Facebook for dating purposes, don't be duped by those who use fake names. Ensure you establish the man's true name. Also watch out for such smooth operators as the one in the above story!
A married primary school female teacher from Migori County recently had an unhappy ending when her secret facebook lover — masquerading as Mozilla Firefox, she had been fooling with online coned her on their maiden meeting in Nakuru town.
After regaling her with honey-coated sweet nothings on the social network, she obliged to his invitation in Nakuru, where she met her waterloo. The amorous teacher, eager to meet her mpango wa kando (secret lover), lied to her husband that she had been invited to Nakuru for a two-day seminar by a womens’ group she subscribes.
At around 10 am, she took a shuttle, and after five hours she got to Nakuru where Firefox warmly received her.
After exchanging a few pleasantries, Mozilla took her in a hotel where he treated her as they reacquainted with one another — all giggly. To avoid blowing up his cover, he tricked her by requesting her to book the hotel room — using her identity number, because if he was to do so, there was a probability of the receptionist knowing him since he is from around. The night went on well, but come morning is when things went haywire. Firefox woke up and took a shower and when it was the teacher’s turn, he thoroughly ransacks her handbag. He took Sh10,000 and her mobile phone.
When the teacher came out from the bathroom he found his ‘lover’ missing. The panicking teacher hurriedly dressed and made a beeline for the reception to enquire if they had seen his companion. The receptionist told her that she had seen him a few minutes a while and he only mentioned, in passing, that he is stepping out to sun himself.
Immediately, she began wailing at the reception, claiming to have been conned. Upon management attempting to intervene, they learnt that she didn’t know the man. That he was a mere Facebook friend, really shocked the hotel management. The mere mention of his name — Mozilla Firefox, got the management in stitches. To make matters worse, he had no other incriminating evidence against Firefox save for his phone number which was in the phone he had made away with, anyway. Fearing that the story may spread and reach many people, the teacher ignored advice to report the incident to Police. Instead, she chose to call her three friends back in Migori town and lied to them about her ordeal — that she had been a victim of a smooth pickpocket in the matatu she was travelling in.
Out of sympathy, her friends send her Sh1,500 which she used as bus fare back home. The truth of the story came out recently when the Teacher, while drunk in a pub in Migori town, revealed to friends what exactly happened to her who promised to try help her track the thief. Unfortunately, all the efforts were in vain since the phone was switched off. A friend whom the teacher told her hubby wasn;t satisfying thus tempting her to try her luck elsewhere, and requested her not to tell anyone this tale, talked to this writer.

Dematosis papulosa nigra, better known as moles, is not all that uncommon but does occur in about 35% of African Americans. There are a number of home remedies that will prove to be particularly useful in getting rid of them to some degree.
Squeezing a clove of garlic and placing it over the area that needs cleansing before covering it with a bandage is known to be very effective in reducing the prominence of skin moles.
You could also try crushing some vitamin C tablets and applying the powder over the spotted area of the skin, holding it in place with the help of an adhesive bandage.
Castor oil is very beneficial in the treatment of moles and should be gently massaged into the area of the mole at least twice daily for best results.
It is also essential that you avoid going outdoors when possible, as any over exposure of your skin to the sun could cause the moles to become more prominent. If going out in the sun is completely unavoidable, make it a point to protect your skin with the help of a suitable sunscreen lotion.

This was the bizarre scene when a woman was spotted taking a man for a walk on a London street…
The picture was taken by a bemused Twitter user on his way to work.
The smartly-dressed man in a trousers, shirt and shoes is seen being pulled along with a pink lead around his neck.
In front of him is a woman holding the other end of the lead with a coffee in the other hand as they strolled through the centre of the capital.
Ian Jeffery who spotted the bizarre incident and posted it up on his twitter feed said “Did we really just see this outside work? A woman walking a man like a dog on a lead in #Farringdon #London #bizarre.”
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