Paul Mason.
Paul Mason, a 50-year-old man from England was once considered the world's fattest man at 980 lbs. but he recently underwent gastric bypass surgery and already is down to 560 lbs. He says his 20,000 calorie-a- day diet is what attributed to his extreme size, but he also blames Britain's national health service for not allowing him to see an eating disorder specialist when he was just over 400 lbs.
Donna Simpson.
Donna Simpson (born 1967) is an American woman who, in 2008, expressed a desire to become one of the world's heaviest women. She wished to attain a target weight of 1,000 pounds (450 kg). As of June 2010, Simpson weighed 602 pounds (273 kg), down from her weight of 630 pounds (290 kg) in 2008.
During the process, Simpson maintained a website where fans paid to watch her eat. In 2010, she won the Guinness World Records for the "Heaviest woman to give birth." In August 2011, Simpson decided to go on a diet to reduce her weight to a target of 370 pounds (170 kg) in order to become more self-sufficient and be able to do a better job of raising her children.
Mayra Rosales.
"Mayra Rosales Child Murder - 1,000-lb woman is 'too big to kill' "
A Texas court has ruled that Mayra Rosales, who weighs about 1,036 pounds, weighs too much, and that it would have been impossible for her to lift her arm in order to kill her 2-year-old nephew, whom she was accused of murdering in 2008.
Kenneth Brumley.
Kenneth Brumley was one of the heaviest people ever recorded, whose weight was confirmed. He was featured on the channel 4 BodyShock documentary "Half Ton Dad," as a father of four, who weighed almost 74 stone (468 kg or 1,035 pounds).
According to Kenneth Brumley's statements in the documentary, he had been bed-bound for four years. After he was accepted as a gastric bypass patient at the Renaissance Hospital in Houston, Texas, a fire crew had to hammer down a wall in Brumley's house to get him out.
At Renaissance Hospital, Brumley was treated by the team of specialists that treated Renee Williams, believed to have been the world's heaviest woman at the time. The first step in Brumley's treatment was a diet restricted to 1200 calories per day, which enabled him to lose 167.5 pounds (76 kg) in only 40 days.
Terri Smith.
A woman believed to be the world's fattest at 50 stone (700 lbs.) is facing a battle to shed weight after being told by doctors she could die.
Terri Smith is confined to her bedroom in her Ohio home, unable to move, stand, or roll over by herself, setting the new world record for the Fattest woman in 2010. She relies on her husband Myron, 44, and oldest daughter Najah, 30, to do everything for her.
By the age of 20, Terri weighed 18 stone (252 lbs.) but she remained active and held a job as a mental health care worker for 20 years. "I used to help people wash, feed and dress themselves," she said.
To undergo a brain scan and receive the life-saving treatment she may require, Terri is now embarking on a weight loss regimen of exercise and healthy eating.
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