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The pop star Rihanna showed of her banging body for a French Magazine that has caught everyone attention. Rihanna was shown completely bottomless in a recent photoshoot. She assumed the position ass up face down like a professional.
Dead man 'resurrected' after waking up in the middle of his own funeral

Mourners at a funeral in Zimbabwe were stunned when the dead man woke up as they filed by his coffin, state media reported today.
Brighton Dama Zanthe, 34, was being laid to rest inside a coffin last Monday after he apparently died at his home following a long illness.
The transport worker's grieving family covered his body with blankets and made arrangements to transfer him to a local mortuary, according to a report in the Herald newspaper.
But the next day Mr Zanthe's friends and relatives scattered in disbelief when he started moving as they filed past to say their emotional goodbyes.

'Resurrected': The 'deceased' was being laid to rest in a coffin after apparently dying from a long illness when he woke up in the middle of his own funeral (stock image)
The dead man's boss Lot Gaka told the Herald of the moment he realised his employee was still alive.
He said: 'I was the first to notice Zanthe's moving legs as I was in the queue to view his body. This shocked me.
The man who took on the poker professionals . . . and lost: Hedge fund tycoon blows £850,000 in Monte Carlo
The ultimate downsizers: Couple give up their home to live the simple life in tiny $19,000 retirement house on wheels
The man with 9 lives: 25-year-old survives a broken neck, four heart attacks, bouts of MRSA and pneumonia - and then cancer
'At first I could not believe my eyes but later realised that there was indeed some movements on the body as other mourners retreated in disbelief.'
Mr Gaka, who runs a bus company in the midlands city of Gweru, told the newspaper Mr Zanthe had been persistently unwell before his 'death' last week.
He told how he visited the family's home to offer support when his employee's wife called to say he had passed away.
He said: 'Zanthe had been on sick leave for some time and everyone at work was aware that he was critical.

On the mend: The man from Gweru, Zimbabwe, pictured, was rushed to Gweru Provincial Hospital where he was kept on life support for two days before being allowed to go home
'We would visit him at his home.
'I was not surprised when I received a call from Zanthe's wife on Monday night last week saying that her husband had died.'
He added: 'I visited two local funeral parlours for quotations before I drove to Zanthe's house so that we could take the body to the mortuary.
'Zanthe's body had already been put in a coffin and people were preparing to conduct a body viewing procession so that his body could be taken to a mortuary.
'It was during the body viewing procession that he "resurrected".'
Another witness told the state-controlled newspaper how the family desperately pulled blankets off Mr Zanthe's body to try to revive him after realising he was still alive.
He said: 'Gaka later removed some blankets from Zanthe's body after we noticed some movements and this was when we all realised that there was still life.
'We then called an ambulance which came within seven minutes.
'It's really a miracle and most people are still in disbelief.'
The Herald, which is owned by Zimbabwe's government, reported that Mr Zanthe spent two days on life support after being rushed to the Gweru Provincial Hospital following the incident.
He was discharged last week and has since returned home.
The shaken family man told the newspaper he had only a hazy recollection of the event.
He said: 'This issue can be best told by people who came to my house to attend my funeral.
'I don't know what happened and I only remember being on a life support system in hospital.'
He added: 'Everything is history to me.
'What I can only confirm is that people gathered at my house to mourn but I was given another chance and I am alive. I feel okay now.'
via dailymail
KONSHENS CONCERT turns out to be a "Boom Business" for University Ladies!!
VERY INSPIRATIONAL !! Top Comedian spotted eating in "Kibandas" 6 Lessons from a Poor Childhood That Lead to a Rich Life PT 2

VERY INSPIRATIONAL !! Top Comedian spotted eating in "Kibandas" 6 Lessons from a Poor Childhood That Lead to a Rich Life

A CURSE OR BLESSING?? "My Life is in Danger" the guy behind Ngina kenyatta's pregnancy!!

over news that Ngina Kenyatta is
pregnant. All efforts have been put
forward to kill the rumor because it is "
Bringing shame to Kenyatta's family " The
truth is that Ngina Kenyatta is heavily
pregnant and the guy responsible for the
Pregnancy is a GSU officer called Onyango
attached to state house.
has gone into hiding in Uganda after
successfully crossing the border.
According to his friend Stephen Omollo,
Onyango decided to go into hiding after a
friend of him tipped him that there were
plans to kill him. The Kenyatta family held
a meeting to condemn that because many
Kikuyu elders have condemned to
pregnancy because it is from the " Wrong
Tribe " . There is a lot of tension and
another traditional meeting has been
convened to discuss the issue and see the
way forward.
REVEALED!!! 8 facts about Prophet Owour you didn't know

1. He stage-manages his alleged miracles through the power of Satan.
2. His teachings are infact post-christian. Meaning, he exalts himself above God Himself, thus creating a religion different from Christianity, where he is the god.
3. No true prophet had ever amassed wealth the way he does. Moreover, no true prophet engages in power-fights the way does with other men and women of God like bishop Wanjiru.
4. He is used by Illuminati to prophecy the works of Illuminati. He infact has a symbol of illuminati in his website
6. In most of his crusades, at least 2 people die.
7. He refused to bury his father upon his death in 2005, because he had sacrificed him.
8. True prophets prophecy the negative and positive things, since God always shows compassion to people. Owuor is a prophet of doom since he only prophecies negative things that dont have compassions of God
Reasons why P-Square brothers are parting ways
As Africa woke up to the sad news that the dynamic duo P-Square are breaking up the question on everyone’s mind is why they wanted to call it quits. According to some Nigerian entertainment blogs on Wednesday April 16th, the brothers fought each other physically during rehearsals that they had to be separated by their dancers. But this was not a big deal since because which sibling doesn’t disagree sometimes, right?
But now their older brother, Jude Okoye, who is also their manager, just tweeted that after ten years he’s done and we got information as to why this is. According to a sources Peter has refused to do anything P-Square for weeks now. Forget that he was at his brother’s wedding, things are not good between them right now. Peter wants out. He said Paul and Jude are sidelining him.
That if they push out 200 songs, 199 would be songs Paul did. That people are now calling him a dancer in P-Square. Peter is really angry. He’s even the cool and friendly one between the brothers but he is not himself right now. And then he accused his brother Jude of disrespecting his wife. Peter and Jude haven’t spoken in weeks. Peter said Jude has been disrespecting Lola for years and he was done tolerating the BS. In fact nobody in the Okoye family likes Lola and they didn’t support the marriage.
The worst part is that they have invited a lawyer to come and share property. They want to share everything……how they will survive depends on whether Jude will be willing to accept his brother’s wife.

M@sturbation Facts: Side Effects of M@sturbation
M@sturbation is in-built in men and women practice it coyly. But you can’t escape m@sturbation, it is part of life. There are certain facts and rumours in-relation to masturbation that you cannot avoid. We break the ice on this taboo topic.
M@sturbation has positive side effects that you will agree too:
- Relief through ejaculation
- Climax for fun and pleasure
- Induces sleep
- Relaxes you
- Eases tension
It is important to be gentle on your genitals to avoid sores and help you get back to normalcy.
There are few negative effects of masturbation, these are:
- Masturbation lowers sperm count, reduces your chance of conceiving.
- Frequent m@sturbation will take longer to satisfy you and for you to ejaculate. Space it out.
- If your hands are rough, your genitals will have scratches.
- Vigourous movements will cause swelling too.
- Social stigma on the act of m@sturbation can lower your morale.
Myths on m@sturbation:
- You will not grow hairy palms when you masturbate.
- Nor will you develop acne for m@sturbation.
- There is lack of evidence that regular ejaculation will affect your erection.
For those who missed JICHO PEVU BY KTN- APRIL 20TH 2014- WATCH HERE
Exactly one year and 11 days ago, Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta and William Samoei Ruto were sworn into office to lead Kenya for a period of five years.

Uganda's president Museveni takes a selfie- one of its kind ..
I have over time received numerous requests from our young people for a selfie, and I dedicate this to you, to the online community and to all my followers."
Baby is cleared of Murder charges in Pakistan

Nine-month-old Musa Khan yawns while being carried by his grandfather as they leave court Saturday in Lahore, Pakistan. The court has withdrawn charges of attempted murder against the toddler, the latest development in a case that provoked widespread ridicule.
He was charged along with his family last week after a mob protesting gas cuts and price increases stoned police and gas company workers trying to collect overdue bills. He was apparently charged because an assistant sub-inspector complained in a crime report that the baby’s whole family had beaten him up and injured his head.


The embryonic stage of your courtship, relationship or whatever you call it when you first start dating is quintessentially the most important time.

1. Facebook stalk them
It seems as though most people’s first reaction to meeting someone and finding out their last name is to immediately “friend” them on Facebook. After the friendship is complete, ladies go straight into your pictures looking for any recurring faces… like your ex-girlfriend. The men go straight into your pictures looking for Spring Break pictures. Both of these are wrong. Facebook is a great social networking tool, but it shouldn’t replace good old-fashioned getting to know one another.

2. Follow them on twitter
Think for a moment what Twitter is about. It’s a status updating platform for people to tell the world everything they’re thinking. While it may seem like a good idea to follow the person you just started dating, don’t you think that’s rushing the process a bit? When people tweet, they don’t necessarily tweet from the heart. There’s also a loss of tone. How do you know if he or she is actually joking around or playing with their friends? You can easily misinterpret them to be a jerk or rude when in reality you just crashed their @’s trying to get an inside scoop.

3. Ask invasive questions
Ask anybody who knows me and they’ll tell you that I believe in boundaries. I’m a little more complex than most guys because I’m very careful not to ask questions that would lead to similar questions being asked back. With that said, when you start to ask questions like, “Why did you break up with your ex-girlfriend?” on the first date, or “So I wanted to ask you about [that embarrassing story from college that they’ve somehow uncovered by doing a deep dive on your past],” you’re way out of line. When people ask me when is the right time to bring up the tough questions, I always say, “When they’re necessary, not when you feel like you need to know.”

4. Rush things
The easiest way to get to a meaningful relationship is to develop the relationship organically. Organically means naturally and at a normal pace without any additives. I understand that no one likes idle time. I also understand that people are goal-oriented. But for Pete’s sake, don’t rush the relationship! Take your time, give both yourselves time to want to be in the midst of a relationship. You can’t go from dinner on Friday night, to an early morning text about brunch on Saturday, to “how do you feel about going to 12 o’clock service with me on Sunday?” Take your time, you’ll scare the other person away if you start smothering them out the gate.

5. Set absurd rules
Steve Harvey time! Let’s get this out of the way right now, Steve Harvey and his 90-day rule is the dumbest sh*t on the planet. You might end up waiting 90-days to have sex with someone. But if that’s a hard rule in your book, you got problems. Let me break this down for you.
If you tell me you’re trying a 90-day rule before you have sex with me, I’m going to ask you a question: “Why?” You’re going to attempt to answer that question and no matter what you say in your head, I’m going to think that in your past you’ve had problems keeping your legs closed. If you need a rule as silly as that one to make sure you make the right decisions when it comes to sex, we can’t date. I’m not saying that you should have sex on the first date. This is when you should have sex: when you’re ready, you trust him, and you know you won’t regret it.
Guys, you don’t get off easy either (||). I’m snitching. These are our top three rules that make no damn sense:
Don’t talk or chill with each other two days in a row.
If I don’t have sex with her by the third date, it’s a wrap.
Seasonal barriers to relationship. Oh you know what I mean, you’ll be with the girl of your dreams in July, but tell yourself, “I’m going to wait until after Labor Day to wife it down.”
Stop it. Stop all of it, all of it is just ridiculous as hell!
5 Drinks That Help You Lose Weight easily
If you have decided to lose the extra pounds, then you surely know that the only way to do that is by combining workouts with a healthy, balanced and nutritious diet. However, there are some types of drinks that will speed up the fat burning and help you lose weight quicker than you normally would, and here you will find 5 of the most efficient ones:
1. Detox Juices
Detox juices are certainly your most trustworthy allies in your battle against the extra pounds – you can easily make them in your kitchen, either entirely out of fruits or vegetables or by combining these two. Citrus fruits are known to have a powerful detox capability, therefore if you are looking for foods to help you purge all the toxins that have gathered inside you over the months then you must certainly include them in your detox juice. High-fiber root foods such as ginger, carrots or apples are also highly recommended for these juices, as they are known to also support the correct functioning of your digestive tract, not to mention the wealth of antioxidants that they deliver to your body.
As you may know already, antioxidants are essential as they protect your body from the negative effects of the free radicals that can wreak havoc on your health if you allow them two. One eight ounce glass of detox juice per week will certainly keep all these problems far away from you! These juices have a double benefit – while they help your body get rid of the toxins, chemicals and all the dangerous substances that have accumulated inside your intestines, they also help you lose weight in the fastest and most natural way. One thing is for sure, though: all those who want to shed pounds yet stay healthy at the same time must go through at least one or two detox sessions throughout the course of a year.

2. Vegetable Juices
Vegetable juices, on the other hand, can also benefit your weight loss efforts in the long run and it is a known fact that the most suitable type of veggies for weight loss are the cruciferous ones. No matter if you juice them alone or you use them in conjunction with other fruits, these veggies (cabbage, kale, broccoli or cauliflower) will be your most efficient fat fighting weapon, and there is no better way to keep all the toxins away. Another notable benefit of the vegetable juices is that in addition to helping your body fight free radicals and keeping you healthy, they will also balance the hormone levels in your body and prevent the hormone disruptors from interfering with the normal hormone levels. Cruciferous veggies are very rich in natural phytonutrients that are perfect for reducing the overall amount of body fat, for reducing inflammation and controlling the blood sugar levels, for balancing the hormone levels, boosting your metabolism as well as providing a thorough general detoxification.
3. Green Tea
Green tea has been used for hundreds of years due to its numerous benefits, and weight loss is just one of them – although green tea alone will only help you lose a few pounds, it will certainly serve as a great addition to your diet in the long haul. No matter if you do not have the time or you do not like to workout on a regular basis, drinking one cup of tea per day will deliver all the antioxidants you need and it will also help you burn fat at a faster pace, by boosting the metabolism. These teas are perfect for burning more calories as well as for increasing your overall energy levels and for suppressing your appetite. As a matter of fact, this is exactly the main mechanism of action of these teas as they help you shed the extra pounds by suppressing your appetite, thus decreasing the amount of food you would normally consume on a daily basis. Green tea is very popular amongst the Japanese people, and it is said to also help you reduce stress and relax better.

4. Fruit Juice – Cranberry And Pear
Fruit juices are delicious, easy to prepare and very rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals – besides this, there are literally hundreds of different fruits you can choose from and pear and cranberries are only two of the most delicious, most efficient and most sought-after ones given the fact that they contain high amounts of vitamin C. Not only will the cranberry and pear juice help you lose weight by boosting your metabolism (your body’s natural fat burning machine), but it will also increase your overall energy levels and deliver your body all the essential vitamins and proteins that it so much needs. At the same time, it is a known fact that the cranberry juice is essential for preventing various infection of the bladder, such as the infection with the E-coli bacteria. Pears, on the other hand, add magnesium, potassium as well as phosphorus to your fruit juice and they are essential for a healthy lifestyle, not to mention that they are very rich in Vitamin C and Calcium, the latter being particularly important for keeping your bones healthy and strong.
5. Black Coffee
Last, but not least, it is a known fact that if consumed with moderation, black coffee can have a plethora of health benefits – not only does it contain antioxidants that fight off free radicals and lower the risk for certain types of cancer, but it can also reduce the risk for diabetes as well as heart disease. At the same time, caffeine is perfect for boosting your metabolism and for increasing the number of calories you have burned. Be careful, though, because if you want to lose weight by relying on black coffee you will have to consume it without any milk or sugar, as any sweetener can increase its calorie count!
To conclude, these are the top 5 most efficient drinks that you should embed in your diet if you want to lose weight quickly and naturally, without resorting to any pills or supplements that may have side
PHOTO: Vera Sidika's amazing 'behind' leaves every man 'hard'
Vera Sidika,a Kenyan socialite mostly recognised for her extraordinary large booty.It seems nobody can't just meet her and see her 'fundamentals' without having a hard-on.
In the photo below,musician Prezzo is definately 'hard',clearly visible.
PHOTOS: Socialite Corazon Kwamboka responds to trolls of her bizzare twerking video with 'DELICIOUS' photos
Barely a week after her twerking video that attracted negative comments from Kenyans,bootylicious socialite Corazon has responded to the negative comments by releasing some hot snaps of her,obviously a 'control damage' stunt.
Check them out below:
Popular Kenyan gospel Artist Emmy Kosgei set to part ways with her rich Nigerian husband
Popular gospel artist Emmy Kosgei’s marriage has been the talk of the town since last year and not because it was a celebrity star studded wedding but because the groom was almost twice the age of the bride. Word on the street was that Emmy married the Nigerian pastor because of his huge pockets a rumor that was quickly brushed aside. During her interview on Churchill Live she revealed that she got married to the guy because he was focused and that is what drew her to him.
It seems that the much hyped marriage is not working for them. Last week, Emmy Kosgei secretly filed a divorce citing some difficaulties in her marriage with the man twice her age !! She filed the divorce through her friend Ruth Sang according to the documents. In the case, she wants half the wealth according to the law because she has been married to the man for more than 6 months.
A legal battle ensues because the Nigerian pastor has emphasized " I wont allow her to take half of my wealth , what I have worked for for the rest of my life "
University Girl with HIV infects 300 Men For Revenge (See her Facebook Name)
A Kenyan woman (pictured) who claims a man raped and infected her with HIV at a party recently admitted to sleeping with more than 300 men in revenge, the Kenyan Daily Post reports.
The woman, who remains anonymous, shared her story through her Facebook page “Kenyan Scandals.”
“I’m 19 and a 2nd year here at Kabarak Uni,” she said. “I joined this college a virgin; though I’ve had boyfriends before, my parents are strict so having s3x was never on my mind.”
But that apparently changed late last year during a visit to a club.
“Sep 22nd 2013 is a day I’ll never forget. We went clubbing in town and got drunk with some senior students then went back [to] hostels for party round 2,” she continued. However, she woke up n@ked the next day to a man named Javan.
Upon asking if they’d used a c0ndom for intercourse, Javan said yes. However, the woman soon noticed sp3rm near her v@ginal area while taking a bath.
I wanted to commit suicide, she shared. I feared getting pregnant [and] HIV, took contras [and] hoped I was HIV-free. Unfortunately, that was not the case: In November I tested HIV [positive]. I felt like cutting off my neck.
She confronted Javan who claimed he was HIV-negative.
I was so depressed and took alcohol to die, I even bought poison, the pain was just unbearable; how was I [going to] face the world? I let my parents down, I gave up on the world and just wanted to end my life. My future had been ruined, somehow someone had to pay.
She reportedly began exacting revenge by sleeping with as many men as possible. To date, she claims, she has slept with 324 men.
Not a day passes without me having s3x, mostly 4 people per day,” she stated. “Nothing will stop me from accomplishing my mission by continuing to sleep around, you never know but maybe you have slept with me or your husband, boyfriend, brother, father or any has slept with me.
The woman’s eventual plan is to infect 2,000 men with the virus before year’s end, according to XNaija.
One commenter on the Kenyan Daily Post says he has slept with the woman:
OMG! I know this lady! the commenter typed. I’ve done it with her more than thrice since Jan this year! Lady, you didn’t have to do this to me. Revenging on the wrong people is unfair. I’m confused.

Tasher (LEFT)made it to actually top ten, what made us not include her was her photos! we couldnt get just the perfect shot!




#13 Mariam Abdi

#12 Leighlar Samba

#11 Ann Dixic

#10Petra Bockle

#9 Meena Ushnies

#8 Karembo Matsaki

#7 Prudence Kibaya

#6 Aisha Frere

#5 Mariam Ada

#4 Kendra Mackenia

#3 Vera sidika

#2 Maggyt Azula

And thats it folks. LUIZA MWAMBA is the hottest chick around Mombasa!