This will bring you to tears Meet 25 year old Lady who was once tagged (World Ugliest Woman On Earth)

Unlabelled » This will bring you to tears Meet 25 year old Lady who was once tagged (World Ugliest Woman On Earth)


25-year-old Lizzie Velasquez was born

with a very rare syndrome that is still

undiagnosed (Only two other people in

the whole world have it). The condition

prevents her from gaining weight .

Before people knew about it, she was

bullied and insulted because of her

"look".A few years ago, she was named

the world's ugliest woman in a video

which went viral..She is now a friend to

many celebrities, a motivational speaker

and earns a good living because she

din't let it weigh her down..

..In a recent interview with E,she

opened up on getting past the hate..

"It's a process that I had to figure out, of

how to handle negative comments.

When I was younger, I would just sit

there and read every single one and

obviously, it was awful. There were

times when I felt like people were

physically putting their hands through

the computer and really hurting me on

purpose.There's days where I'm like, in

my mind, ‘I wish I could tell this person

something!' But it's not going to

accomplish anything. It's just going to be

me sinking down to their level and a

never-ending battle of hiding behind a

computer screen."If someone

compliments me on my eye makeup, I get

really excited, because I can only see

out of one eye, so I'm literally putting

makeup on blind."

She also has over 90,000 followers on

instagram who tell her how beautiful

she is and encourage her

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