READ THE 5 Lies Men Tell Women when They Date

It’s no secret that men and women lie in relationships. Hell, humans lie constantly (whether it’s to themselves or to other people). Men will usually tell these “little white lies” in order to avoid any headaches of a long, drawn out conversation, or to save a woman form the impact that his words might cause. 

Whether you agree or not, this is a fact. I won’t go into the reasons why women lie because I don’t have time to write that novel (YET). I saw some common fibs men tell reading an article on MSN. Since I am a man and I have experience with truth fabrication theory, I’ll speak for my gender here and provide some insight into this topic. I picked out the 5 lies men tell women that I liked most to discuss further:

Lie # 10: “I’m Stuck in Traffic”“He figures it’s much easier to just say this than to try to explain the real reason he’s running late,” says John Amodeo, author of The Authentic Heart. “Remember, men aren’t as good at communicating as women are.” The funny thing is, a guy will toss this line out even if what held him up is perfectly legitimate. Still, you shouldn’t let it slide — it’s a lie nonetheless.

People lie about their whereabouts early and often. Men do this because we don’t want to be reminded that we “should’ve left 30 minutes ago” to be on time. Yes, we can be punctual for other things but will lie through our teeth when we casually ignore timetables. Also, I believe that there’s a subconscious pettiness in men that will show up late for a woman because women hold us up getting ready for ANY event ALL THE TIME! If it takes you 90 minutes to get ready, why not get ready 2 hours in advance? If you know you’re going to be ready by 8, why tell us you’ll be ready at 7 and have us waiting an hour for you to come out the house?! The tardiness is both reflexive and unnecessary.

Lie # 9: “It Wasn’t That Expensive”
“Men like toys, and they don’t like sensing your disapproval, even if you don’t share a bank account,” Amodeo says. He could also be dropping this fib to try to prove he’s responsible with money, says Barton Goldsmith, author of Emotional Fitness for Intimacy. “He doesn’t want you to think that if you do share funds down the line, he’s going to blow them all on things like plasma TVs.”

I guess the quote above could be true for married couples that share a joint bank account. It’s pretty difficult to swindle that when bank receipts and online statements can tell on you. This is more evident to me when you buy a woman a gift or pay for dinner. I never like a woman I take out to eat to look at the bill. I believe a certain mystery should be maintained. Plus I’d rather her not be concerned about what the meal or gift costs. I can afford it and that’s that. Plus, we don’t want our dates going on Twitter proclaiming that they got a $200 date…

Lie # 6: “Sorry, I Missed Your Call,”
Lie # 5: “My Battery Died,” and
Lie # 4: “I Had No Signal”
These three lines all mean the same thing: I screened your call. Why? “Often men will feed you these lies because they’re afraid to tell you to back off a bit, that they need a little alone time,” Amodeo says. You might want to ease up on the checking in and let him miss you more.

Sometimes we cannot talk. We might be legit busy, in the middle of something, or just need a moment before we talk to you. Often, this backfires on us because you’ll then search our social media to determine whether “we have time to get those Twitter jokes off and like comments on Facebook but can’t answer your call”. Other forms of controlled contact are easier than phone calls (Gchat, email, text, etc.) and talking on the phone in certain situations isn’t conducive to a man’s current situation. It’s just easier if you don’t know that the curve was intentional.

Lie # 3: “No, Your Butt Doesn’t Look Big in That”
Look, if you assail him with the question in the first place, you’re really just asking to be thrown this all-purpose mollifier. “Every guy has a buddy who’s told him, ‘I answered this question wrong once, and my girlfriend wouldn’t have sex with me for a year,’ ” Goldsmith says. This is the one safe response he knows, so there’s no way he’s going to risk the worst by straying from it. If you want an honest opinion, go ask one of your girls instead.

I think they covered it well on this point, but I would disagree with this tactic. When you date someone, you shouldn’t aspire to be content with how you look if it is subpar from when you first met. When you’re dating you want to put your best foot forward. You go to the gym, dress nice, and make sure you’re at your best. Men will want women to be on their game (albeit unrealistically) 24/7. When men can hold themselves accountable too, they will realize that whether women like it or not, we have to be honest when they ask these questions, so that they don’t look crazy in the street. The WAY in which you answer this determines the impact. If you’re a dick about it and super blunt with no consideration for her feelings, you deserve the backlash. Sometimes backlash comes regardless, so I would always err on the side of comforting but honest commentary.

Lie # 1: “Nothing’s Wrong, I’m Fine”
A whopping 52 per cent of men have told their girlfriend this line. According to experts, this go-to fib is all about avoiding drama and protecting male pride. Men know they’re not as good with articulating what’s happening or how they’re feeling, so it’s easier for them to just keep you out of the situation. Next time he uses this line, give him a couple days and then ask him again if he is still bummed…and why. By then he may have figured things out.

This is something men say in general. We don’t want to appear weak so we will deflect with this line. Other times, we will say that because if the annoyance is minute, and we know we will get over it easily, we won’t want to discuss it at all. Women love discussing emotions and how they feel because that’s how they’re wired. Men can get over little things, but will discuss major issues. It isn’t a slight on you, it’s just that talking about little issues can make us angrier than we want to be and we’d rather get over it on our own.

The overarching theme here is “communication”. We tell these white lies but when they occur in abundance it highlights a bigger issue with the level of comfort you have discussing topics with the woman you’re dating. Try not to find easy outs, especially if small problems will become major.

Good list MSN. You guys got any more?

Are Your Assets Depreciable?

In terms of dating, is what you bring to the table valuable? To find out, make a list of 3-5 of your very best qualities. These are the attributes that set you, as a man, apart from other men (or in the case of women, set you apart from other women).

For each quality that you listed, I want you to answer these yes/no questions:
Can this quality/skill/attribute be purchased?
Does this quality/skill/attribute deteriorate with each passing year?
Can this quality/skill/attribute be easily outsourced?
Would it be fairly easy to find someone else with this same quality/skill/attribute?

If you answered yes to any of the above mentioned qualities, that asset is depreciable and is damn near worthless in the dating scene.

There is a specific group of men and women that I have been coming across way too frequently. Like the girls that look like video vixens but have nothing to bring to the table but their good looks and their vaginas and expect the world to be handed to them in return for that. They seem to be unaware of the fact that there are hundreds of other girls that look just as good or better than them that are bringing looks to the table in addition to other innate, irreplaceable qualities.

Likewise, there are men walking around with a menial full time job that have this air of entitlement expecting the cookie to be thrown at them after taking a girl to Olive Garden.

It doesn’t make sense that these people would be serving up a spoonful of frosting as if it’s the entire cake and then get mad when people are left disappointed and unimpressed!

Here are the qualities that many would consider to be “frosting.” These are simply perks that shouldn’t be bragged about because they’re not substantial or significant.
Sexual skills – Porn is easily accessible and available now and everyone is using it for entertainment and instructional purposes. Everyone is a porn star now. You’re not special.
Cooking skills – This is not a very noteworthy skill, especially if you only know how to cook soul food. If it’s not healthy in this age of 30 year olds dying of strokes and heart attacks, it’s not that serious. Anyone can go to Popeyes and pick up some fried chicken. Next!
Good looks – Every day that passes the more your skin loses its elasticity and your hairline takes on more of a horseshoe-like appearance. Why brag on something that you won’t always have?
Money – The people you want to be dealing with will already have that and wont be impressed by that. It’s redundant to show off and be overly concerned with something that the person you’re dealing with already has.

So what are irreplaceable qualities? In a nutshell:

Someone with a sense of direction and purpose. Financial savvy. Ambition. Someone who will push you to be your best instead of holding you back. Someone that is mentally and intellectually stimulating. A sense of humor. Loyalty. A healthy sense of self-worth.

These are the qualities you should be focusing on developing within yourself and feeling proud of. They are rare and will set you apart from the rest.

Stop focusing on and playing up your depreciable assets. You got a new pair of Jordans, that’s nice. You stay fresh, good for you. You have a fatty, great – so does half of the female population. Honestly, any person of substance and maturity won’t be too impressed by those things.

Spend time developing what makes you rare as a human being and less on things that could be put on, taken away or replaced at the click of a button and you’ll find that you will come across similarly unique and valuable individuals who you can connect with on a deeper level.

5 Ways Men Break Up With Women and Reasons

Letting go is the hardest part…

People have strange rules involving break-ups: You can’t break-up with someone within 72 hours of having sex, 7 days before or after their birthday, during the month of any major holiday, by text message, and never in the seasons of winter, spring, or summer. Given all these rules, you can technically only break-up with someone on Thursdays in September. Stop making excuses.

Let’s be clear, break-ups are never easy but they are a necessary evil. If you’re not putting a 110% into a relationship you are doing yourself and your partner a disservice. I have found that men employ five primary break-up techniques. I will discuss these below in the order of difficulty, from easiest to hardest, and hopefully provide some insight on why a man might have chosen a particular method in your past.

1. The Houdini: He disappears.

The easiest of the methods, all a man has to do is fall off the face of the Earth. He doesn’t have to explain himself. He doesn’t have to have any awkward talks. He doesn’t even have to come up with a good reason. This is reserved for women he does not care about: jump-offs, side chicks, [garden tools]. It may also include women he is confident he can avoid running into for the rest of his life (or at least 6 months), such as: out-of-towners, one night stands, girls he met at a wedding, friends of friends of friends who don’t run in the same circles. You may disagree but he has decided you are not worth the hassle of the break-up discussion. This is the most low-class disrespectful move a man can pull, yet it happens every day.

2. The Illusionist: He remains only in form.

Rather than formally break-up, he slowly withdraws from the relationship mentally, physically or emotionally. He wants out but he is not man enough to end it. Instead, he lets the relationship die a slow painful death. There will be no mercy kill. A coward, he might break-up with you over text or via a surprise Facebook status update to ‘Single.’ He really wants you to break-up with him.However, if you are equally weak willed or too stubborn to accept it’s over, this pathetic excuse for a relationship might last forever.

3. The Tiger Woods: He cheats.

Cheating is easier than remaining faithful. The Tiger Woods doesn’t respect you enough or have the courage to break up. He is, by far, the worst. He endangers you emotionally, physically and mentally because of his own selfish pursuits. In his mind: Me > You.

4. The Good Guy: You love him almost as much as you hate him.

You hate him because he uses you in the nicest way possible and you can’t do anything about it. You love him. He knows it. You know it. Most women prefer this break-up even though it is not the break-up they need. In fact, it is one of the worst. What women overlook is the fact that The Good Guy is inherently selfish. While he appears to have your best interest at heart, he actually puts himself first and always.

He is so fearful of being labeled a bad guy by you, your family or your friends he rather mislead you than accept this title. Since he never cheats physically, he avoids drawing accusation from you and eases his own subconscious. However, he mentally and emotionally gets a head start on checking out of the relationship before you in order to make his own transition easier.

After the formal “break-up,” he will still make love to you. Sure, you told him you can handle it but you’re lying. He knows, through sex, you are trying to lure him back or at minimum, keep him around. Regardless, he still has sex with you because he places his best interests before yours.

He feasts on your emotional and physical sacrifices until he is gorged but offers you nothing of substance in return. He leaves you feeling empty. He’s honest without ever telling the truth. He doesn’t lie, but he tells you want you want to hear instead of what you need to hear. For instance, when you ask if there is a future for you in his life he gives you an ambiguous response when he knows the clear answer is no. He uses you like a pit stop between serious courtships with other women but assures you his future is with you.

He uses your hope to keep you paralyzed while he uses the fact that you’ll always be there for him to propel himself forward. You’re left waiting, often in vain, as he gives the love you long for to other women until one of those women finally becomes his wife. Even in marriage, given the chance, he continues to let you believe there may be a future for you two if things don’t work out. Deep down both of you know this day will never come because, unfortunately, you were never anything more than his back-up plan.

An excerpt from a song by Alicia Keys, Lesson Learned, summarizes the “Good Guy” experience:

You give it one more chance
Just like the time before
But he already knows you’d give a hundred more
Until that night in bed
You wake up in a sweat
You’re racing to the door
Can’t take it anymore…

5. The Man: He performs the most taken for granted act there is: He tells you the truth.

Some men will never be The Man because it is the hardest break-up. The Man doesn’t bullshit a woman. He doesn’t wait until he has a back-up relationship. He knows you are worth more than a callous text message. Out of respect, he chooses to tell you in person. He is not cruel but he doesn’t lie. If he realizes the relationship is not heading in the direction you both agreed to he tells you.

The hardest part is the responsibility. The Man must step up and end the relationship even if she thinks it can be salvaged if he knows in his heart it cannot. When things get emotionally heated – and they will – he cannot engage in the same hurtful rhetoric she uses on him. Emotion, pride, and defense may make her attack and seek to inflame the same response in him. He knows that in order for her to cope she might need to hate him temporarily or forever.

Her friends, by obligation, must take her side; make him out to be the bad guy. The Man does not manipulate her emotions to save face like The Good Guy. He puts his pride and ego aside because he realizes it’s not about him.

Even in break-up, a man does what is best for the woman even if that means putting her needs before his own. He must look into her tear-filled eyes and continue to tell the truth. If there is no future for the relationship when she asks, he responds “No” and does not waver. He doesn’t encourage false hope. The Man realizes that just because she will settle for a part of him rather than none of him does not mean she doesn’t deserves a man who will give her his all.

The Man’s burden is the most difficult. It’s possible all he will have left to comfort himself is the knowledge that he told the truth. Having remained faithful in principle and in practice during their relationship, he will have to start over…alone.

This is why most men never use this technique, preferring combinations of the above rather than ever shouldering the full responsibility of being a man. They know being the man she wants is easy. Being the man she needs is difficult. Given the choice to end the relationship a falsely glorified Good Guy or living long enough to see himself labeled a villain, he chooses villainy if it will benefit the woman he cares about more. A real man recognizes that she deserves happiness even if he is not the man to inspire it.

10 Things Every Woman Should Know About Her Man

I often joke that the biggest hindrance to me finding women to date is how intimidating my female friends can be. I always imagine a game of taboo where I’m the keyword and my girlfriend probably wouldn’t be able to describe me to a room full of people, but if I let one of my best female friends do the same they’d break the Taboo single card world record. 

That’s for a few reasons – mainly because most people don’t really dig deep into the things they should know about the people they date. They really only know their partner from the medium of their relationship. I think that also you have people who project too much in relationships; they tend to use their relationship as a support system. 

People who project in their relationships are the same people who get left in the middle of the night and have no idea or reason why. They’re the people who have to grapple for years with the “what went wrong” after they experience heartbreak.

In addition, you guys know that I’m big on those things that I don’t think should have to be said in order for your partner to know that they need to get done. I don’t know what to call them outside of the basics or Relationship 101. It’s the requirements that a mate should possess at an inherent level – meaning nobody should have to tell you these things about how to be a significant other. 

Perusing the Internet for ideas for a post on Friday, the first day of Women’s History Month, I came across this list of 10 things women should know about their men. It was a pretty dope list and I thought I’d share my five favorites here, and then you can check out the rest if you see so fit.

2. What really helps him relax. Watching those Law & Order reruns may be your favorite thing to do after work, but don’t drag him into it. He needs to unwind too. Encourage him to do what he enjoys during the little downtime he has.
3. How often he talks to his ex. Yes, they broke up six months ago, but it can be hard to completely let go. You have a right to know and to tell him if it bothers you. Of course it’s more complicated if they’ve had children together. Let him know you understand he needs to have some kind of relationship with her and you are supportive of him.

4. Whether he’s a lefty or a righty. And I don’t mean which hand he writes with. It’s important to know where he stands on political issues that are important to you. For new loves, this can be a deal breaker, but it doesn’t have to be. Look at Mary Matalin and James Carville. For married couples, you will know what topics to avoid when you want a peaceful night.

6. His turn-ons. Some women never make the first move, but guys love it when you do. If his ears are especially sensitive, why not nibble on them and let him know how desired he is.
7. What really gets him down. Whether it’s when his favorite team loses or the anniversary of a parent’s death, you should know what makes your man sad. You can try to cheer him up or at least know you aren’t the reason he is acting so strangely.

What do you think a list of things every woman should know about her man should consist of? Does the list differ from man to man? Is there a list for things every man should know about his woman? What would go on that list?

10 Things Men Find Unattractive in Women But Probably Won’t Tell Ya

“And another thing, you’re baby mama, that b*tch is hating!”

1. Excessively Drunk Women – When I was a boy I thought a group of drunk women was the move. When I go to the club now and see a chick throwing up in the bathroom, I get repulsed. Who’s mans is this?!

2. All the way turned up – Why I can hear you in a club on any night is a problem. It’s loud, there’s loud music, and still I can hear your voice shrieking over the speakers. Or what about those women who can’t control their volume when their drunk and try and talk in your ear but they’re screaming?

3. Negative Women – These women think everything is wack. “How about this lovely 80 degree weather today?” “This is wack, why these girls think it’s ok to be wearing their open toes?!”

4. Impatience – They hate waiting. They are the type to tell you to let them know when you have arrived at the restaurant so they can leave their house. They have cavities on each side of their mouth from sucking their teeth so much.

5. Teen Spirit Women: Waiting to be entertained – These are the ones who are rimming the club waiting for the party to jump off. They bring nothing to the party, but will call it wack because it didn’t turn into a bashment. Although, they didn’t come to dance anyway.

6. Random hair cuts or attempts to go natural – Have you ever seen that look a man has when he’s been caught cheating? It is NOTHING compared to meeting up with his boo and she decided to cut all her hair off. Your hair was down to the middle of your back yesterday, but now you sporting a Kobe fro. We will not be partying like it’s 1999 boo.

7. Liars – You can just tell this woman is lying. And often times it’s about something she doesn’t have to lie about. She got a hating friend who tells you all her business, especially about how she buys fake designer shoes. And you witness her blacking on some dude; “My shoes cost more than your whole outfit, negro!” #DIQUE.

8. Ms. Know It All
– I don’t even have words to describe this one because she probably wants to describe it herself. When you told her that eating too much salmon could cause mercury poisoning, she even brought her grandmother into it, “My grandmother ate salmon everyday and she lived to be 106!” Seriously, this woman can’t take a piece of advice or fact that she didn’t come up with to save her life.

9. Attention Hordes – These women are always showing out looking for a reaction in the building. She usually has the attention of most of the guys, but if there’s one focusing on one of her friends, she makes it a point to hook that guy too. “Oh you got a nice chest. Do you work out?” Meanwhile, dude ain’t got a six-pack, he got a loaf of bread and he’s drinking a 40.

10. Women who think they can do WHATEVER they want – These are the women screaming at the promoter outside the club. These are the women who will break things in your house because they are having a temper tantrum. These are the women who say things like, “And I will tell him to do it, and he will do that ish.” These are the women who end up at the Chesapeake Rest Area because their man didn’t make it out of Maryland before he put her out the Range.

Student Punished for Asking Miss America to Prom

via nbc news

YORK, Pa. — A Pennsylvania high school student is in hot water for asking Miss America to prom during a question and answer session at school.

Eighteen-year-old Patrick Farves said he received three days of in-school suspension Thursday because he asked Nina Davuluri to prom.

The senior at Central York High School stood up and popped the prom question, then walked to the stage with a plastic flower. Davuluri just laughed and the students cheered.

School officials heard about Farves' plan in advance and warned him not to do it. He has apologized for disrupting the event.

The school said students are disciplined for breaking rules and this incident was no different.

Davuluri was at the school to talk with students about diversity and the importance of science, technology, engineering and math studies.

Teen's Facebook Post Costs Father $80,000--

A Florida teenager's Facebook post has cost her father an $80,000 legal settlement.

The Palm Beach Post reported Sunday the father had sued a Miami-area preparatory school for age discrimination after he lost his job as headmaster.

Dana Snay's father, Patrick Snay, had settled an age discrimination case with his former employer, Gulliver Preparatory School.

The school agreed to settle the case for $80,000 and the settlement agreement included a stipulation that the man and his wife not disclose details of the settlement with anyone.

The daughter posted on Facebook that the money would pay for family vacation to Europe.

"Mama and Papa Snay won the case against Gulliver. Gulliver is now officially paying for my vacation to Europe this summer. SUCK IT," she posted.

Stories That Make You Think: Never Judge Anyone

Take a moment to read through the story below. I’ve seen it on a bunch of Facebook pages and several Tumblrs. The story will really make you think. If you read it before, it’s worth reading again.

A doctor entered the hospital in a hurry after being called in for an urgent surgery. He answered the call ASAP, changed his clothes & went directly to the surgery block. He found the boy’s father pacing in the hall waiting for the doctor. On seeing him, the dad yelled, “Why did you take all this time to come? Don’t you know that my son’s life is in danger? Don’t you have any sense of responsibility?”

The doctor smiled & said, “I am sorry, I wasn’t in the hospital & I came as fast as I could after receiving the call…… And now, I wish you’d calm down so that I can do my work”

“Calm down?! What if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down? If your own son dies now what will you do??” said the father angrily.

The doctor smiled again & replied: “I will say what Job said in the Holy Book, “From dust we came & to dust we return, blessed be the name of God.” Doctors cannot prolong lives. Go & intercede for your son, we will do our best by God’s grace.”

“Giving advice when we’re not concerned is so easy,” murmured the father.

The surgery took some hours after which the doctor came out happy,

“Thank goodness! Your son is saved!” And without waiting for the father’s reply, he carried on his way running. “If you have any questions, ask the nurse!!”

“Why is he so arrogant? He couldn’t wait a minute so that I could ask about my son’s state?” commented the father when seeing the nurse shortly after the doctor left.

The nurse answered, tears coming down her face: “His son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son’s surgery. And now that he saved your son’s life, he left running to finish his son’s burial.”

Moral: “Never judge anyone because you never know how their life is & what they’re going through.”

What’s cooking in Kenya? Ugali, of course!

Rare delicacies .. ama?

The finished product: lunch of ugali and tiny, dried omena fish.

I recently got my first Kenyan cooking lesson. A good friend I made in the small town of Sega took me to his home and let me help make a simple lunch of ugali (a thick, sticky mass of carbohydrates, and the foundation of the Kenyan diet) and tiny fish called omena, which are pulled from nearby Lake Victoria, then dried and eaten whole.

Tasty and salty. You don’t ever notice the eyes, I promise!

So, how did we do it? Easy! First, my friend George fired up his “jika” a small, charcoal burner and began heating a pot of water for our ugali. After the water began to boil, he added a little corn flour. Then, we began to stir.

As the gooey ugali began to thicken, George added more flour to make it the right, play-dough-esque consistency. His experienced hands put in the exact amount, but I’m sure I would need to try several times to get the right ratio.

Here I am, stirring ugali as it thickens over the charcoal heat.

George, my friend and culinary instructor.

George plopped the mass of ugali on a plate and covered it to keep it hot while we started the fish. Some oil poured in the bottom of a pot, then the fish, then some salt, then a little onion and finally a small tomato all sizzled over the charcoal. I stirred so it wouldn’t burn, and eventually the fish turned slightly golden and crispy.

Stirring the thick mixture of corn flour and water takes some muscle.

Finally, we enjoyed the fruits of our labour. Showing proper Kenyan manners, George brought a basin and a pitcher of water so I could wash my hands as he poured it for me. Now with clean hands, we squeezed the hot, doughy ugali into edible balls in our palms, then scooped up a few fish for each bite.

Ugali may not have a lot of taste, but believe me: it fills you up! George and I were very full after a meal that probably cost only a few dozen cents in total. Maybe, if you ask me nicely, I’ll even make it for you once I’m back in Canada.

Bonus picture: another meal in Sega. This time, nyoyo (corn and beans) and uji (millet porridge) that I bought at a small stall by the side of the road.

See how this man got 29 Inch Biceps-OOPS


But their immense size comes with risks, as the 43-year-old from Olinda, Brazil, injects them with a combination of oil and alcohol – that can cause infections, amputations or even DEATH.
Arlindo, who is also known as The Mountain, claims that he can get the beefcake look without having to work for it, and admits that he became addicted to getting them as big as possible.
He revealed: “You inject it and it swells you up without having to work out.
“Each time I took it I wanted more and more.
“For me there wasn’t a limit.”

mus3HUGE: It took just two months to get the biceps to 29 inches
The injections weren’t the only unnatural method Arlindo used – he had already been taking steroids, hormones and even HORSE VITAMINS to bulk up his body.
But a pal at the gym offered him the new cocktail to get the upper hand on his muscley rivals, and he went on to inject himself three times a week for two months to get his Hulk-like figure.
He said: “The guy gave it to me. He said, ‘take this, it will make you grow in days’.
“I loaded the syringe, put it in my arm, injected it and it swelled me up right there and then.
“To tell you the truth, I didn’t feel a thing.
mus4BEFORE AND AFTER: Arlindo managed to achieve his look without working out [MARIA ANDRADE/BARCROFT MEDIA]

“There was sometimes a bit of dizziness but nothing apart from that.
“I was working out the same so my strength stayed the same – nothing changed.”
Explaining the risks, Arlindo said that his friend Paulinho has already died using the controversial treatment.
He added: “Most people who take it do not know how to apply it. They will use just any old blood vessel.
“Some will end up losing an arm, another needs an operation, some may even lose their lives.
“My friend Paulinho, he passed away from doing these things.
“I felt his death a lot. He took it, I took it, but he went beyond the limit.
“I advise no-one to take this oil.”
Single Arlindo has now stopped the treatment, but admitted that there is always the temptation to start again.
He also said that the oil he injected may have contained mineral oil that is similar to baby oil, combined with alcohol and anaesthetic – and is easily available to buy.
He added: “To get a body like mine, it is very difficult if you are not taking anything. Some people take it but won’t admit it.
“Have you ever seen a guy as big as me claiming it is natural? He is lying, I tell you. At least I tell the truth.
“It stopped for a bit because it was becoming too visible.
“But they are still using it, only they are using it undercover.”