30+ Sweetest Things to Do with Your Girlfriend

Are you looking for ways to spend more time together and make her feel more special? Use these 30+ sweet things to do with your girlfriend to do just that! 

When you’re in love, there just aren’t enough happy things to do with each other, and for each other, don’t you think?

You constantly look for ways to display your love.

And you’re always eager to please your girlfriend just to see a smile on her face.

But love is a game of stages.

And irrespective of whether you’re still infatuated by your girl or deeply in love with her, the easiest way to let her know you care is by displaying your affection.

If you’ve been in a relationship for a while now, the cheesy displays of love and public display of affection would probably have come down a notch or two.

And that’s completely acceptable. After all, we can’t really stay in the infatuation stage all our life, can we?

Sweet things to do with your girlfriend

As the relationship evolves, the guy generally stops trying too hard to please his girlfriend *now that he’s wooed her and won her over*. And this is when insecurities and confusions in love start to come out in the open.

But if you truly love your girlfriend and want to make her feel loved and secure in the relationship, don’t stop indulging in romantic gestures.

Affectionate gestures may not really prove your love for her, but it’ll surely make her feel special and cared for.

A little more love and fun can make both your lives a lot happier and meaningful. After all, the happiest of relationships are the ones filled with romantic and playful gestures.

30+ really sweet things to do with your girlfriend to make her feel loved

The sweetest things you can do for your girlfriend are the smallest and effortless ones. It’s the gestures you display when she least expects it. Use any of these 30+ things to do with your girlfriend, and your relationship will become a lot happier, playful and spontaneous in no time!

#1 Give her a massage. Most guys completely underestimate just how relaxing a massage is to a girl. Just place your palms on her shoulders and her face will light up with a thankful smile!

#2 Go out impromptu. If both of you are just relaxing at home, plan something spontaneous and take her out for ice cream or coffee. Girls love spontaneous surprises.

#3 Help her with her chores. If you’re lazing around the house, and your girlfriend’s busy slaving on her chores, get your butt off and offer to help her.

#4 Motivate her. Motivation always works twice as well if both of you do things together. If your girlfriend’s struggling to keep herself motivated to do something, join her and work towards the goal together.

Working out together is always a great way to start motivating each other, and let’s not forget how sexy and irresistible both of you would look after a few months of working out.

#5 Buy a little something. Every now and then, stop on your way to meet her and pick up a small something, be it flowers, something to eat or even a silly something. It’s a great way to make her feel more loved without going out of your way to do something.

#6 A little holiday. Plan a secret romantic vacation or a weekend getaway to a place she loves or has always wanted to visit.

#7 Remember her dates. Keep the special dates in mind and make each one of them memorable, even if it’s just with a card or a flower.

#8 Take her out. Ask your girlfriend to dazzle and dress up and tell her you’re planning to take her to a candlelight dinner that night. 

#9 Do silly things together. The more playful you are, the happier your relationship will be. Fool around with your girlfriend by teasing her or whispering in her ear while nibbling it. Play games together, watch an entire season of a show or make a funny home video together while miming to a rock song!

#10 Make time for her. If you haven’t been able to spend enough time with her recently, cancel a couple of appointments or a few hours of male bonding time and instead, spend that time with your girlfriend doing something that both of you enjoy.

#11 Serenade her. As clichéd and corny as it sounds, it’s really romantic. And it can be really funny too, especially if you aren’t a good singer. Play the song ‘My girl’ by The Temptations in the background and sway around as you mouth the lyrics to her. She’s going to love it!

#12 Complete her bucket list. Sit down with her and ask her about the things she wants to do this month, year, or in her lifetime. And once she shares her thoughts, help her strike a few of her things-to-do from that list.

#13 Gift her a pet. If you think your girlfriend is into animals, gift her a pet. A pup or a kitten is perfect for someone who loves them. And if you want to gift something easier to take care of, gift her a fish bowl with two fishes and name them for her!

#14 A spa treat. Gift your girlfriend with a spa gift card or a day pass at the spa, and spend the time together at the spa.

#15 The last chip. Everyone wants the last potato chip even if they’re nice enough to decline it. When both of you are eating something together, always offer the last bite to your girlfriend. It’s a small gesture, but it’s a sacrifice that’s going to make your girlfriend fall more in love with you. [

#16 Paint a portrait. You don’t have to be an artist. If both of you are lazing together one afternoon, take a piece of paper and sketch a picture of her. Even if it’s a funny caricature, it’s something that’ll remind her of the good times even years later.

#17 Cuddle her. Cuddle her and caress her without trying to use the excuse as foreplay. Cuddling your girlfriend will release feel good chemicals that’ll make her feel more happy and loved.

#18 Keep the little things in mind. Never overlook the little things, like carrying the grocery bags for her, or holding hands while walking down a street or crossing it. Give her the better seat or let her have the better view wherever you are, at a restaurant or on a flight.

#19 Surprise her. If she’s out and you have some time in your hands, surprise her by doing something for her that she was supposed to do when she gets back. It could be something as simple as doing her chores, washing the dishes, or even preparing dinner for her. After all, it’s always the little things that have the biggest impact in love.

#20 Create memories for her. Join new activities together or do something for the first time together. Snap pictures each time both of you try something new, and create a photo album for her. Within a few months, you would have created a whole book of memories that would last a lifetime.

#21 Be there for her. Let her see that you’re always there for her, and are willing to be the shoulder for her to lean on. Stand by her during her rough times and give her your complete support instead of ridiculing her or putting her down.

#22 Drop a note. Guys may think this is corny, but it’s still something that’ll make your girlfriend beam with happiness. Text or write a sweet message to her out of the blue. If u can’t be corny in love, then send her a link to a romantic song and tell her that the song reminds you of her.

#23 Say ‘I love you’. Look into her eyes and tell her that you love her. You don’t need to stare hard, just look into her eyes and the magic will work.

#24 Be thoughtful. Thoughtfulness is a trait that all girls love in a guy, but it’s still something no one talks about. If she’s running late for something, help her arrange her stuff, or if her iPad’s battery is about to run out, charge it for her, or prepare a hot cup of coffee for her when she’s coming to your place to meet you after a long day at work.

#25 Protect her. Make a woman feel protected and cared for, and she’ll love you more for it. Walk her to her car or to her doorsteps after a date. Call her to make sure she’s reached her place. Let her know that you’re concerned for her, and she’s always on your mind.

#26 While she’s sleeping. You love staring at her while she sleeps, so why not make her feel more comfortable too? Tuck her in the bed and arrange the pillows for her to make it comfortable. Or if she falls asleep on the couch, place a cushy pillow under her head and cover her with a blanket if she’s feeling cold.

#27 Kiss her in mid sentence. If your girlfriend is saying something to you, and you can’t think of anything but how cute she looks, don’t hold back. Just kiss her. You’ll love it, and she’ll think you’re really sweet too.

#28 Be a gentleman. Put your girlfriend’s needs before yours when she’s with you. It’s what a gentleman would do, be it about picking the restaurant or choosing a movie to watch that night.
#29 Don’t disturb her just to get her attention. If you know she’s sleeping or working hard on something, don’t disturb her by getting excited or noisy just because you’re bored and looking for attention.

#30 Give up bad habits together. If your girlfriend is trying to give up a bad habit, be it smoking or excessive shopping, give her the emotional support she needs. And likewise, if there’s a bad habit of yours she’s trying to help you get rid of, help her help you.

#31 Talk about her dreams. All of us have big dreams, but very few of us have the drive and the determination to follow it. Talk about her dreams and discuss ways by which she can achieve it. Help her work on deadlines and create a list of things to do, and before she realizes it herself, you would have helped her do more than just dream. You could help her make the dream a reality. 

#32 Be her man Friday. As a guy, you know you’re better at some things than she is. So if there are a few things you’re good at doing, like fixing her car or speeding up her laptop, do it for her. Be the guy she can always depend on to fix anything in her life because you’re so awesome!

#33 Listen to her. Sometimes, just listen to her without trying to offer advice all the time. If she’s had a bad day and wants to bitch about things that annoy her, just lend her your ear and your sympathetic voice.

#34 The important days. Birthdays and anniversaries are important, no doubt. But in all of our lives, there are days when we’re aspiring for something bigger, be it a job interview, a new project, or a new achievement. If your girlfriend is focused on an important day, help her by being there for her, supporting her, and offering your help around the house so she can focus all her attention on the task.

#35 Dinner with guy friends. If you’re going out for dinner and drinks with your guy friends and your girlfriend’s eating alone at home, order a takeaway for your girlfriend and make sure you bring something back for her. It’s a very sweet gesture, especially if your girlfriend’s feeling too bored to cook for herself *you can always take a few desserts home if she’s already had dinner*.

#36 Pillow talk together. There’s nothing more satisfying than lying in each other’s arms and talking about the good things and the good times. Pillow talk is one of the most important ingredients in a happy romance, and it’s something that’ll bring both of you a lot closer too!

You don’t always need to splurge on your girlfriend to make her happy and feel loved. Sometimes, all you need are the little things that take no effort at all. Just try any of these 30+ things to do with your girlfriend, and you’ll see how easy it can be!

25 Reasons Why Women Cheat in relationships

Why do women cheat in a relationship? Are women easy to trick or are they just confused? Read these 25 truthful reasons no one ever told you about! By Jake Butler

Ever wondered why women cheat so easily?

For as long as we could remember, we’ve always thought that men were the bigger cheaters.

But now we know that it’s just a lie.

Why women cheat

Ever had your heart ripped apart by a woman who decided that it was quitting time and bulldozed her way out of your life?

Fret not, you’re not alone.

In reality, women cheat quite often. And we’re not even talking about those drunken kisses and gropes.

You may know a few reasons behind why women cheat.

Women cheat to fill the emotional void that’s empty after a man neglects her, or perhaps the sexual preferences in the marriage are just too different.

But through my experience, I’ve seen that women cheat for completely different reasons.

And the biggest reason why women cheat?

Well, that’s because they can!

So why do women cheat like there’s no tomorrow?

Looking for real life reasons behind why women cheat? Well, these 25 truthful reasons will reveal the real truth. 

#1 Women get too close to others, too fast. Women build strong emotional connections really fast. It’s easy for them to get close to a guy and confuse the bond with love.

#2 They love any man who can give them emotional support. It’s true. Want to steal a girlfriend, just give her a shoulder to lean on. She’ll give you her bed to sleep on.

#3 Women favor the gene pool. They instinctively want to favor the gene pool and play their part for Mother Nature by constantly picking other dating and mating potentials.

#4 Women fall in love fast. They fall in love too fast with just about anyone who shows affection. They try playing hard to get, but almost always end up becoming really easy to get for potential girlfriend stealers.

#5 Women are progressive. They like sprucing men up and working on little man projects now and then. And just when you think you’ve been perfected by your girlfriend, she’ll find another man to perfect.

#6 Women love drama and gossip in their lives. It’s the truth. Women get bored extremely easily and need constant attention and drama in their lives. Once the man settles down in love, the woman starts unsettling.

#7 They’re confused about their feelings almost all the time. A girl may love her man generally, but her mood swings ebb and flow like the tides of the sea. She likes her man sometimes, and she bitches about him at other times. Add another man into the equation and it’s a teen sitcom.

#8 Women are suckers for affection and compliments. Women fall for compliments and flirty touches really easily. When another guy flirts with your girl, she may think she’s just having fun. But in reality, she’d be falling for him even if he’s just having fun.

#9 It’s ridiculously easy to make a girl doubt her own boyfriend. All another guy has to do is point a few flaws, talk sweet, touch her in a few places, and she’ll start to think her boyfriend’s a loser and the new guy is a s3x god who’s in love with her.

#10 Women say they don’t want to stray. But yet all they think about is straying. Every time a guy flirts with a girl, she temporarily forgets she has a boyfriend already!

#11 Women close their eyes while kissing another guy. Yeah, just shut your damn eyes and say it all happened so fast! Women get physical and then say it was a mistake. Men, on the other hand try covering it up by saying it didn’t happen. Women want pity, men forgive them. Men get caught, become a punching bag.

#12 Women always think they’re in a relationship crisis. When a woman’s life’s not crackling with romantic and s3xual electricity, they always think their relationship sucks. Women say they don’t like vibrating, entertaining s3x toys and dildos, but yet they want men to behave like one.

#13 Women think they’re too good. Almost all women think they’re too good for their boyfriend. With that kind of logic, it’s easy to stray when a “better guy” comes along to play.

#14 Women cheat for the dumbest reasons. Men cheat because they find someone sexy. Women cheat for the dumbest of reasons, to prove a point, to get back at her man, to let him know she’s not getting enough attention, to get something they really want and more dumb reasons.

#15 Women have cravings. That is, chocolates and unavailable traits in men. If her man’s not very clean and tidy, and she meets a coworker who’s a perfectionist when it comes to being clean and tidy, she’ll involuntarily be drawn to that trait. So if a guy wants to lay a girl, all he has to do is show off a trait her boyfriend doesn’t have and she’ll diveboard into his bed.

#16 Women get attracted to any man who makes her feel good. Men usually have affairs only with women who are sexually attractive. So unless the guy is rich or super charming, his odds are slim to have an affair with the girl of his dreams. But women cheat with any loser who knows to treat her better than her boyfriend.

#17 She’s a gold digger. There’s no point here. If you’re dating a woman who’s more interested in your money and the fun times you give her than she is in you, you can’t hold on to her unless you strike oil.

#18 Women cheat when they’re emotionally vulnerable. Men need booze and a sexy girl to cheat. Women just need to feel vulnerable. They’d feel vulnerable for the smallest of reasons and circumstances. And if another guy makes a move at the right time, he’ll be able to sleep with her that very night.

#19 Committed women love getting the attention of other men. And when they don’t get the attention from a guy they like, they try harder to get a second glance. Why do you think girls go weak for bad boys who treat them like crap?

#20 Women don’t learn from their mistakes. Women make moves and mistakes, and they regret it. But they don’t learn. They know when they’re crossing the thin red line with another guy, but they just don’t try to put a stop to the guy because “they like the attention”.

#21 Women cheat when they’re unhappy in bed. Do you have a small weeny? Or are you suffering from impotency or erectile dysfunction? That’s reason enough to cheat on you, don’t you think?

#22 Her man’s charm is wearing off. If a woman isn’t sexually attracted to her man anymore, she’ll definitely dive head first into any other s3xually attractive man’s pants.

#23 Women are stereotyped. Most men look at women as cute, walking talking s3x toys. Hey, women can only resist temptation so much. If a woman’s constantly being hit on by a million guys everywhere she goes, it’s only a matter of time before she succumbs to temptation, wouldn’t you say?

#24 Once bitten, never shy. A woman may cheat and get over it after a heartbreaking while. But a few months later, the drama starts all over again. Women just like the constant rush of falling in and out of love all the time.

#25 Do women really ever want to be happy? Really, a woman could be in a perfect long term relationship with a perfect guy. But all she has to do is meet another great guy who knows how to steal a girl and she’ll do his bidding in no time. Perhaps, women think they like being happy when in reality, all they want is to experience bursts of happiness and lots of confusions all the time.

Well, so why do women cheat so easily? For all these 25 reasons and more. And sometimes, they don’t need a reason at all.

Just ask me, my not-so-steady girlfriend confessed to cheating on me a week ago. She looked into my eyes with her big, beautiful eyes and told me she was sorry and she regretted it. And her reason, well, she doesn’t know why. All she knows is that she’s sorry because she slept with another guy when she’s in love with me.

Seriously, kinda makes me wonder if women need a reason at all!

Dead man 'resurrected' after waking up in the middle of his own funeral

Mourners at a funeral in Zimbabwe were stunned when the dead man woke up as they filed by his coffin, state media reported today.

Brighton Dama Zanthe, 34, was being laid to rest inside a coffin last Monday after he apparently died at his home following a long illness.

The transport worker's grieving family covered his body with blankets and made arrangements to transfer him to a local mortuary, according to a report in the Herald newspaper.

But the next day Mr Zanthe's friends and relatives scattered in disbelief when he started moving as they filed past to say their emotional goodbyes.

'Resurrected': The 'deceased' was being laid to rest in a coffin after apparently dying from a long illness when he woke up in the middle of his own funeral (stock image)

The dead man's boss Lot Gaka told the Herald of the moment he realised his employee was still alive.

He said: 'I was the first to notice Zanthe's moving legs as I was in the queue to view his body. This shocked me.

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The man with 9 lives: 25-year-old survives a broken neck, four heart attacks, bouts of MRSA and pneumonia - and then cancer

'At first I could not believe my eyes but later realised that there was indeed some movements on the body as other mourners retreated in disbelief.'

Mr Gaka, who runs a bus company in the midlands city of Gweru, told the newspaper Mr Zanthe had been persistently unwell before his 'death' last week.

He told how he visited the family's home to offer support when his employee's wife called to say he had passed away.

He said: 'Zanthe had been on sick leave for some time and everyone at work was aware that he was critical.


On the mend: The man from Gweru, Zimbabwe, pictured, was rushed to Gweru Provincial Hospital where he was kept on life support for two days before being allowed to go home

'We would visit him at his home.

'I was not surprised when I received a call from Zanthe's wife on Monday night last week saying that her husband had died.'

He added: 'I visited two local funeral parlours for quotations before I drove to Zanthe's house so that we could take the body to the mortuary.

'Zanthe's body had already been put in a coffin and people were preparing to conduct a body viewing procession so that his body could be taken to a mortuary.

'It was during the body viewing procession that he "resurrected".'

Another witness told the state-controlled newspaper how the family desperately pulled blankets off Mr Zanthe's body to try to revive him after realising he was still alive.

He said: 'Gaka later removed some blankets from Zanthe's body after we noticed some movements and this was when we all realised that there was still life.

'We then called an ambulance which came within seven minutes.

'It's really a miracle and most people are still in disbelief.'

The Herald, which is owned by Zimbabwe's government, reported that Mr Zanthe spent two days on life support after being rushed to the Gweru Provincial Hospital following the incident.

He was discharged last week and has since returned home.

The shaken family man told the newspaper he had only a hazy recollection of the event.

He said: 'This issue can be best told by people who came to my house to attend my funeral.

'I don't know what happened and I only remember being on a life support system in hospital.'

He added: 'Everything is history to me.

'What I can only confirm is that people gathered at my house to mourn but I was given another chance and I am alive. I feel okay now.'

via dailymail

KONSHENS CONCERT turns out to be a "Boom Business" for University Ladies!!

S#X PARTY!! SEX PARTY!! , where RICH men will have all the content of their gen*** milked out!

For the venue of the s3x party where 300 pus**** will battle 100 di*** in a life or death struggle, hit our inbox.


Those are some of the notices seen in the university notice boards ahead of the Konshens Concert in Kenya barely a month ago.

While some were partying hard at the Guinness evolution party these two lesbi@n campus girls[ pictured ] we're enjoying some sweet moments. Only God knows what happened after the party..

Below are some of the images of ladies caught out during and after the party at KICC 


As Kenyans continue
debating whether Prophet David Owour’s miracles
and prophecies are true, here is a concerned parent
who claims her daughter’s life was destroyed after she
joined Prophet Owour’s church.

My daughter joined Moi University in 2010 and was a
wonderful out going ambitious girl until the day she
joined this strange church. All of a sudden my daughter
changed for the worst. She was a smart girl who knew
how to dress very decently and being in the hospitality
industry, it demands that her dressing should be above
board. In 2011 my daughter came for her attachment
which she did at Palacina Hotel and that was a
wonderful attachment. The hotel was so impressed with
her performance. She was elegant and very outgoing.

Infact at the end of the attachment she was given two
complimentary slips for lunch to the parents. According
to her, the hotel said if she had finished her university
training they could have taken her in as an employee in
the hotel.

In that same year after her attachment, she went back
to college around August and that is the time things
turned for the worst. My daughter joined this Prophet
church and changed like a chameleon. I could not
believe this is my daughter. She no longer communicated
with her family. Her sister eventually joined her in
Eldoret but they could not stay together. She kept
pestering her sister to join the church but the sister

Then she started calling her names and saying she is a
sinner and therefore she could not even eat a sinner’s
food. Their relationship became so bad until I eventually
sought alternative accommodation for the sister.

In 2011 December, she came back home for Christmas
and I could not believe this was my daughter. She had
changed totally. Her dress code had turned into some
long baggy dresses. She stopped making her hair, and
even putting on earrings and such like things. She
became so withdrawn and I realized she had no friends.

She could cook and sometimes not eat. I hear the
prophet tells them to eat very little. So I realized when
she came she had reduced a lot of weight. I thought this
was just typical of college life and maybe she is studying
a lot.

After a year from the other attachment, she went to her
next attachment at BCD travel. This is the place I
discovered that there is a problem. She couldn’t cope up
with her new workplace because of her religious beliefs.

She is now jobless and still following Prophet Owour’s
cult. No man even wants to get close to her because she
looks like a 50 year old lady despite her young age.

Pricilla, a concern mother.

Source-The Kenyan DAILY POST.

VERY INSPIRATIONAL !! Top Comedian spotted eating in "Kibandas" 6 Lessons from a Poor Childhood That Lead to a Rich Life PT 2

4. I learned to eat until I was not hungry any more rather that when I was stuffed.

Food was limited, but balanced. We each got our share because my mother cut it up equally among us. (I never knew you could scoop ice cream out of the carton until I grew up, because my mother always cut a half gallon of ice cream into 10 equal pieces and that 10th piece was cut into 10 more pieces. (My father got the extra piece.)
I have never had a problem with weight, and this is because of the good eating habits and appreciation for the food we had.

5. I learned that it was the people that made a home, not the size of a house. 
We may not have had much, but we had each other. We had each other to talk to, play with, and laugh with. (Sometimes to fight with.)

6. I learned to work together. 
When you live in a small space you have to work as a team. You learn good working skills and what hard work is.
We earned money by working in the fields for the farmers, helping irrigate when it came to watering the crops, and keeping the four rooms of our house picked up, so there was room to walk.

As I look back on my childhood and the values it fostered, I realize I was a very lucky child. Yes, things are much better and easier now, but I know what to appreciate and what’s important to be happy.

It’s the people you share your life with—the memories you build and laughter you share.

Things are not what make you happy. It’s living in the moment and living everyday with love in your heart.

I only buy what I need, which controls the clutter. I have food, shelter, and water, air to breathe, and people to love that love me.

I appreciate what I already have to add comfort to my life. I take good care of my furniture, appliances, and the little things that make life more comfortable and easier.

We have the choice to change our life if we want. With hard work and a dream anything is possible. Obstacles can always be overcome. We learn from them and keep moving forward.

True happiness does not come with a price tag. Happiness is something we choose with our own attitude and gratitude.

I look at people today and all the material things they acquire, thinking they are going to find happiness, but happiness cannot be bought.

It’s in our attitude. The love in our heart. The people we know and love. The memories life brings.

When death is knocking at our door, what will be important is the way we loved and the memories we leave for the people left behind. They’re not going to remember the house you lived in or the beautiful things you may have had.

People will remember the laughter they shared with you, the long talks, lessons they may have learned from you, and most important, the love that was shared.

In the end it is who we were, how we touched other’s lives, and the love we gave and received that is going to count and be remembered.

Are you building those kinds of memories? Are people going to smile and laugh when they think of how you touched their life someday?

VERY INSPIRATIONAL !! Top Comedian spotted eating in "Kibandas" 6 Lessons from a Poor Childhood That Lead to a Rich Life

Churchill (Danie Ndambuki),A top Kenyan Comedian and his crew has been spotted eating at a local kibanda. The motive behind it is yet to be understood. Being interviewed he said its just a way to remember his humble beginning.

“If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can’t buy.” ~Proverb

I grew up on a farm with a father that was a hired hand and a mother that took care of the elderly.

I had six siblings and was the fifth in line. We had little money, but I always felt loved, not deprived. In many ways I was a rich person.

When I was four years old I lived in a two-room house, with two bedrooms built on within the year.

We had no real kitchen (it was just a room), no running water or indoor bathroom, no TV or telephone. (No, I did not grow up with the dinosaurs). We did have electric lights.

What did I learn by growing up in these conditions?

1. I learned to share.

There were four of us girls and we all slept in the same bedroom—two in one bed and two in another (both twin beds). You name it, and we shared.

2. I learned to take good care of what little I had and be grateful.

We each had one pair of shoes, very few clothes, and one toy for Christmas, so we took good care of what little we had and did not take it for granted. For birthdays, there was a cake baked and our present was getting to lick the bowl for the cake and icing.

3. I learned to use my imagination.

With very few toys we had to make your own. We walked on tall tomato cans with strips of rubber attached to hold them on our feet. We played with old tires and five gallon barrels by rolling them on their side. And stilts, we made ourselves.

A CURSE OR BLESSING?? "My Life is in Danger" the guy behind Ngina kenyatta's pregnancy!!

If you are in the dark, it has been all
 over news that Ngina Kenyatta is
 pregnant. All efforts have been put
 forward to kill the rumor because it is "
 Bringing shame to Kenyatta's family " The
 truth is that Ngina Kenyatta is heavily
 pregnant and the guy responsible for the
 Pregnancy is a GSU officer called Onyango
 attached to state house.

Onyango has already been fired and he
 has gone into hiding in Uganda after
 successfully crossing the border.
 According to his friend Stephen Omollo,
 Onyango decided to go into hiding after a
 friend of him tipped him that there were
 plans to kill him. The Kenyatta family held
 a meeting to condemn that because many
 Kikuyu elders have condemned to
 pregnancy because it is from the " Wrong
 Tribe " . There is a lot of tension and
 another traditional meeting has been
 convened to discuss the issue and see the
 way forward.

REVEALED!!! 8 facts about Prophet Owour you didn't know

Truth about Dr. Prophet Owuor»

1. He stage-manages his alleged miracles through the power of Satan.

 2. His teachings are infact post-christian. Meaning, he exalts himself above God Himself, thus creating a religion different from Christianity, where he is the god.

 3. No true prophet had ever amassed wealth the way he does. Moreover, no true prophet engages in power-fights the way does with other men and women of God like bishop Wanjiru.

 4. He is used by Illuminati to prophecy the works of Illuminati. He infact has a symbol of illuminati in his website

5. His allegation that Raila had converted to christianity was just an attempt to gain Raila more followers.

 6. In most of his crusades, at least 2 people die. 

 7. He refused to bury his father upon his death in 2005, because he had sacrificed him.

 8. True prophets prophecy the negative and positive things, since God always shows compassion to people. Owuor is a prophet of doom since he only prophecies negative things that dont have compassions of God